Did not tell wife about side effects, only told of good new from this web site.* Wife 25 unites, me 15 units.* 9:30 am injection.
With-in 15 minutes wife says she is slightly nausea's (last all day, so if side effects are an indication of real stuff, got real stuff), thinks it is from to much water when taking vitamins or nervous about getting a shot..hates needles (I gave it in stomach, was planning buttocks but went with recommendations) flushed and a little hot.
-I have a little nausea for about 1 hour…flushed.
(can’t say we were different when it comes to wanting to make love and hornyish ]3 hours later…wife overcomes nausea has 4 minute orgasm…longest in 27 years of marriage…good news is she very rarely* misses, very mad if she misses.(once or twice a year)
…. I am hard as a board 45 minutes after 1st go.
We wait until about 4]Next day we need to wait until after church, but wife get UTI …we actually laugh this off…next weekend is coming…after course of antibiotics*
Wow, sounds like a powerful brem enhanced orgasm J!* Unreal
Can you go into detail on the him/her dosing?* Need the mg, not the units.* The wife took 66% more than you did, am I reading this correct?*
Hard a a board huh?* Beyond that of viagra/etc I take it?* Decreased refractory period too?* And felt into the next day?* Sounds like a nice weekend * Hope the lady's UTI clears up asap
you should try lowering the dose, and do it 2 days in a row, my wife's experience using it this way is very interesting and quicker with fewer negative side effects..
The nausea is a good effect, helps with weight loss..
the lower the dose the less likely the negative side effects.
To answer your question:* I used the ½ cc syringe …0.5 inch, … gave myself 1.5 units using that syringe and wife 30 unites using that syringe…. Followed mixing instruction from video on Utube….mixed 10mg of pt-141 with 1cc b. water….
(30units and 15 units) These may have been under dose when giving the shot with that syringe.* Your thoughts?
Why more for wife…because with needle phobia…1st time needed to work, did want to have to try again.*
FYI…we never had the Yawns, that I read about…both had flushing and nausea.* Mine went away in 1 to 2 hours…wife’s lasted all day…mild, but it was there.
I was hard, off and on during the 1st evening/night and on Sunday…but wife got UTI
Sunday morning…Cipro 500mg BID 4days ]Not a user of Viagra or others etc....will not hesitate to use when the day of need ARISES. (excuse the pun)
Week end...Jan 1st next go..will post after...Should the dose be changed? Please speak in units based on the syringe I used not a Metric conversion smart ...thanks
ok so in your example the wife got 2.5mg of the product = 25 units..
that's a lot of product and probably why she was a little sick most of the day..
I always recommend 1mg but even that is often too much for many people and they will get good results with .25mg to .50mg*
in your mixed dilution that would be 5 units = .5mg
It's all experimental and different for everyone, i can understand why you did it the way you did, but really my experience and what I know with people i talk to regarding this use, women really get a much bigger and better "bang" (sorry) out of this product than men do.
It makes a lot of sense that it would work for them better.. my suggestion to you is have her do 1 mg* (10 units)fridaynight and then .5 mg (5 units) saturday morning, but be sure that you have the afternoon available for some alone time..
Thanks SacCat, thanks Jason.* I was confused as units can mean anything as people use varying amounts of dilutant to reconstitute.
Have any plans for a next go round?* What kind of setting and timing?* What about his/her doses?
My recommendation would be to dose the both of you at 1mg (give or take .25mg)
Took a while* to post again….used remaining 24 unites equally between wife and (12 apiece)….same results for me, little less intense for my wife…but with significantly less side effects also…
Help with this question, for both tanning and libido …what are the differences between pt141 and Mel II?* Thanks
Not every time is a home run, that is for sure.* The unique window of opportunity and balance of the dose makes things interesting.* Would you say it was a positive experience or added anything of value to your day/weekend J?
Melanotan II is used for both tanning and libido.* PT-141 is only used for the aphrodisiac as it lacks the tanning properties (or at least it was designed to).
The aphrodisiac feeling which MT-2 yields is equivalent to PT-141 (imho).* Melanotan users generally use a lower dose cumulatively to achieve desired color...a process not to be taken lightly.* Those who use MT-2 haphazardly can end up dissatisfied fairly easy.* Some have reported that in their opinion PT-141 seemed more 'targeted' and had a slight edge on MT-2
Furthermore the aphrodisiac has a diminishing return as you continue to take it.* Ideally bremelanotide should be used on special occasions, weekends...not continuous.* Cannot imagine a product like bremelanotide making any sort of headway into an every day dose like the new cialis
MT-2 users who start out with .5mg can work up to a 1mg dose and be able to control the erections/stimulation.* If they were to take a dose on friday evening with the intention of capitalizing.. the MT-2 dose would need to be 30-50% more.* Example, a seasoned user who has been dosing .75mg 5-6 days a week for the past three weeks would take a dose of around 1.25-1.5mg for that recreational experience * Still a delicate balance though.* A 2mg dose for this average user could lead to some bad nausea, headache, stuffiness...all around not good time.* Horror stories are out there of people going through bad times...with rock hard erections.* Common bad stories are ones where you cannot sleep as your kickstand needs constant attn, keeps you up, throbs/hurts, you get the idea
Chris…find your replies helpful/interesting and funny…..based on your experience …to avoid “diminishing returnsâ€* how long (days) would you need to be off or between shots to avoid this?* *
Has anyone or your experienced a rebound effect?….for instance, 48 hours after using 141..they actually have less desire or don’t feel up to it?...
Thanks Again for the advice…it has been fun so far!
PS Just used some 141 last night from different supplier…worked the same.(great)….not sure if you wanted to hear that or not.
Appreciate that Jason, thankful I can help somewhat. *I know I am not the best and the brightest...trying to do what I can however. *Certainly fun to share in something which helps so many!
Hopefully a seasoned PT-141 user can add their .02 - I know of one or two who have used 10x more product than I and their perspective is always outstanding. *Will seek their council on this
I have seen a few reports recently of people dosing low on friday (say .75mg) and then again on saturday (1mg). *As long as you arent reliant on the product you will be alright. *Back to back dosing is fine, weekly dosing is fine...if you use the product out of necessity or recreationally multiple (3+x/week) you will need more and more to be effective.
The severe ED cases/patients/researchers...they find themselves less than satisfied with PT-141 in the mid-long term because of this as well as the window of opportunity. *
The mind has to be right to have that good experience. *Too much stress, lack of sleep, ...there are a number of things that can get in the way and ruin a good time. *It is not like you cannot calm your senses and bounce back from it. *But losing your bremelanotide aided erection to something like a knock on the door (other misc occurrences/interruptions) puts a halt on things. *For those especially challenged in the erection dept, can be rough. *The ego can also become sensitive on it. *So if you had a lady question your performance during...ugh, that could be disastrous. *lol...talking from my extreme angle at times, trying to describe the best way possible. *It gets passionate/sad too when users are overweight, out of shape, testosterone deficient, depressed. *Some feel nothing from the product. *Those who have had the experience (highlighted by several stories across the web, magazines) often cannot understand how someone cannot feel the desired effects -youll notice melanotan II users touting the libido effects a lot. *Everyone is so different with their genetics, expectations, goals, sync with the body
For added experience/insurance combing PT-141 with your standard ED med/supplement is the ticket for some.* Taking PT those 4 hours prior and viagra/levitra/aspire/arginine...whatever 30 minutes prior can make the severe ED patient be a rockstar with confidence.* Of course this is for the seasoned experimenter
As far as a rebound effect, absolutely. *From a MT-II users point of view it can be all the more likely to occur. *Random PT use wont yield too much of a rebound. *However someone consistently using MT-II (depending on dose and frequency of course) who takes note of the aphrodisiac effects...when you dont have it in your system...you take note. *Going from a must have mindset to just a regular state can feel like their is less desire for sure. *I recall that feeling.
Great news, no worries about specific suppliers...now you have all the more perspective to share! *I know over the past 5 years I have utilized at least a dozen + *Not sure I can point to one user who doesnt seek out a different line
For added experience/insurance combing PT-141 with your standard ED med/supplement is the ticket for some.* Taking PT those 4 hours prior and viagra/levitra/aspire/arginine...whatever 30 minutes prior can make the severe ED patient be a rockstar with confidence.* Of course this is for the seasoned experimenter"
. . . or REALLY ignorant newbies!* ] ** PLEASE NOTE **
=== DO NOT ATTEMPT to reproduce the process described below - it is very likely dangerous, at best ===
Let me start by saying I feel very lucky to be able to post this story on this forum.* I believe the results could have been very different!
Some time ago, GF found the old Men's Journal article and a reference to the TR site.* She ordered some PT-141.* It arrived a few days ago.
After my shower, one day last week, she popped in with a syringe full of liquid, ready to give me an injection.* I knew she was planning a "PT-141 date" and never gave a thought to her excited(?!) state of "reasoning."* She's a health care professional and I trust her completely.
I pinched up a roll on my upper arm, she popped the needle in and squeezed the dose under the skin.* She had prepped one for herself, as well, so I did the "pinch honors" again so she could inject herself on her forearm.* It was 6pm.* As is my "before a date" routine, I grabbed a 100mg generic sildenafil and we headed to the theatre to meet some friends for a movie and dinner.
About a half hour into the movie (1.5 hrs post injection), I experienced the first of a long series of strong urges to "stretch" - like you feel when waking on some glorious occasions, but much stronger.* Sometimes the stretch was accompanied by a yawn.* Fortunately, we were seated along the wall, near the back of the theatre so the stretches weren't distracting to anyone but me.
After several yawn/stretches, I felt I was getting an erection.* It clearly was not produced from any sexual excitement in my environment.* We were with friends (no, not "that" kind of friends, unfortunately!) watching a particularly annoying, confusing movie.* The erection was driven by something outside my awareness or control.* Before the movie finished, I was completely, rigidly, massively erect.
Fortune was on our side, howerever, as a freak spring blizzard had blown into town while we were inside.* That made it easy to beg off from our previous dinner plans and head home.* GF told me as soon as we were in the car that she was wildly horny and couldn't possibly have been civilized at dinner.* She'd almost decided to leave the movie early!
We got back to my place about 9]
Around midnight we finally took a break.* I dozed off (it had been a long day before this whole adventure came up), but I still had a massive, "hard as a 2x4" erection.* I woke at 2am, rolled onto GF and continued from where we'd paused.* From that point on, we hardly even caught our breathes.
It was non-stop action until we finally collapsed sometime about 10am.* GF said she could not possibly recount how many orgasms she'd had (she normally orgasms fairly easily and regularly from intercourse), many of them lasting several minutes.* I was STILL rigid, with no letup in sight, 15 hours post injection.
I finally decided to ask her about what was in the injection she'd given each of us.* "The whole thing" was her casual response.* "I wanted it to be GOOD!"* By around noon, my erection started showing some signs of abating, but it was nearly 3pm before I was completely, refreshingly, flaccid.* We both felt exhausted, having survived the recreational activities that a 10 mg injection demand.
In hind site, two things stand out.
1) PLEASE read tons before that first injection.* This site has all the info you need (even if it's scattered and disorganized), but isn't the only source of great information.* Watch MsSallyJackson's YouTube video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpQSxbf4ZM8) and follow the procedure diligently.
2) if you both, somehow, manage to inject 10 mg of the peptide, all in one shot, WATCH OUT!
Would I do it again?* Certainly not 10 mg in one dose - but PT-141 is now (with just that one experience) a staple in our recreational fare.
How does it compare to a viagra/cialis event?* The whole body feeling is completely different - the energy, the vigor, the endurance, the arousal, the excitement.* I'm anxious to try PT-141 again without the viagra topper (or perhaps with cialis instead), but did enjoy the combination this time.* Cialis gives my "normal" erections a pronounced heaviness or thickness ("wide body" GF calls it), while viagra gives me rigidity and a little in length.* With PT-141 I got so much more than what I get, even when I combine V+C, plus all the extras that you can't get from any of those ingredients.
GF - 46yo, 5'7", 135, great health
me - 56yo, 5'10", 210, good health, regular viagra/cialis user with good results
dosing - 10 mg PT-141, each, sub-q
side effects [numbers in braces, below, are hours post injection]
GF - facial flush shortly after injection
- minor nausea for several hours starting at about [2-4]
me - well documented facial flush
- repeated, intense need to "stretch" (described above) [1-4]
- sudden, spontaneous(!), unsolicited(!!) erection [2]
- persistent, maximum erection lasted 15 hours then slowly began to soften, fully flaccid(*) after 20 hours [2-18]
- nausea [3-6], extreme heartburn [3-72], forceful vomiting [3-4] (heartburn SLOWLY diminished [72-84])
- (*)decreased erectile capacity ("rebound"?) about 24 hours [24-48], "less than usual" response for another 24 hrs [48-72] - [i]go figure* . . . , eh?
- slowly decreasing feeling of exhaustion, from overwhelming down to mild [36-84]
- tired, achy muscles all over [36-96]
Oh my Jojo... Thanks for taking the time to share this experience & thank goodness you are alright
A 10mg injection?@!?@!?* Each??!!?* Whoa.* Sounds exhausting and taxing indeed
What a story.* No doubt about it.
Where to begin, lol
Interested to hear how she pitched the PT-141 date.* Can you elaborate?* Very wild
Beyond the Men's Journal libido article, how did you all research it?* That youtube vid is fantastic
The new 2mg PT-141 on the market may be suitable as a couple's dose
How sick were you, cannot imagine.* Heard stories about folks vomiting from much less....
The desire and passion you describe is phenomenal
yes, indeed! ]
She found the MH article while getting her nails done, as I recall, tore it out of the magazine and carried it around for a while.* We talked about the product and got pretty excited at the possibilities.* I even did a bit of casual research online, not really aware of her dedication to trying it.
I knew when she ordered the 5 vials from TR and was aware the shipment had arrived, but really didn't expect her to just show up, well, ready to shoot me, I guess you could say.* I was fine with it all, just assuming she had done her homework.
I found out later that, the day before, she had pried the foil top of one of the vials and tried to snort the dry fluffy stuff, like the author of the MH article described.* She said it was WAY too fluffy to manage in that sort of effort, and she probably didn't really get very much of the product inhaled.* She was too excited about the prospects to consider doing much research about techniques, but figured the sterile water that came with could be useful, after all, and just winged it.* She's crazy!* ;D
The worst of my side effects was the almost unbearable indigestion.* As a regular tadalafil/sildenafil user, I know that indigestion just comes with the territory (a gentle reminder that it's working), but this was brutal, unending.* Going in, I was operating with an empty stomach [note for future reference!] so the nausea and vomiting, while annoying and twice disruptive, were tolerable and short-lived given the bigger scope of activities.* Those two things, however, would make me hesitate strongly before doing more than a couple of mgs in one dosing, in the future.* . . . ah, but that raging, non-stop erection was a thing of beauty* . . . he opines dreamily*
Can't wait for her to finish up her cycle so we can have another go - a smaller one this time, I promise.
Unreal times, love hearing the million dollar experience and enthusiasm you describe.*
I think the article just appealed to a wider audience by stating they chopped it up and snorted...I have concluded folks like putting stuff up their noses.* The PT however, as your lady found out, doesnt handle well outside the sterile vacuum sealed vial.*
What kind of dose you think you would be interested in taking next go round?*
I like the idea of 10mg cialis, .75mg PT-141 and maybe 20mg viagra. There is the GI tract friendly superman combo right there (of course with the proper timing, nutrients and aux meds in the equation)*
Yeah, something about the idea of SNORTing stuff that gets people all revved up!
I'm thinking about 1.0 or 1.5mg PT and a 20 mg tadalafil (yellow tabs) for next time (on a FULL stomach, for less dry heaves!) and see how that goes.* Will keep ya'll posted.* Just doing my part to document the advances of science, you know.
GF called me Dr. Leary yesterday.* I told her he can keep his swirly colors 'cause he'd be outraged if he knew what he was missin!