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  1. #1 5th November 2009 
    jbttum3's Avatar
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    My PT-141 experiences

    Just thought I would give a little feedback on my experiences, as well as people who have taken it with me, with PT-141.

    First, I inject.* I've never used a nasal spray.* I use recreationally and have gone through about 15 bottles in the past year.* As far as side effects go, the only side effect that I feel on a consistent basis is the feeling of being very flushed shortly after the shot.* I have felt very mild nausea on a few occasions.* Some of the girls I have had take it with me usually feel nausea.* One threw up......but she had been drinking that night so there is no conclusive evidence that it was all because of the PT.*

    As far as the good side effects go, it always has worked for me.* Sometimes it works better than others, but it has always worked.* It makes me extremely horny and even makes doing the deed feel BETTER.* Alot better.....first time I used it, it felt like I was 15 yrs old again.* It was unbelievable.* When I get erections it makes my whole body feel good.* I really can only compare to when you were very young and anything that touched it felt good.* If you have taken Viagra or Cialis before this is nothing like that.* I have taken those and all they do is give you a hard-on, they don't make you "desire" to have sex.* I took Viagra once with an ex that I was bored with in the sack......I was rock hard and still had no interest in nailing her.* This stuff makes you desire your partner.* I took this with the same gf and it made me want to fuck her all night.* I actually felt like I loved her more.....not sure to put that as a good or bad side effect though.

    It normally only takes an hour or two to kick in for me (I noticed some people say it takes much longer).* It also lasts for several days with me and gradually wears off.* This is why I only take it on Fridays.* If I take it any other day I run the risk of popping untimely hard-ons at work....not ideal.*

    The amazing feeling it gave me made me give it to girls I was with.* I have convinced 5 girls to take this with me.* And trust me, once the girls find out it needs to be injected, it will take some convincing (unless you hang out with heroin addicts and crackheads).* I find the best approach is to talk it up big time before you mention the injection part.* Then play it down, "its just a little insulin shot in the fat. You don't even feel it."*

    I've gotten 2 girls who previously had never cum through intercourse to take it and made both of them cum with this product.* Needless to say these women love it and still ask me for it even though I no longer date them, hahaha.* I highly recommend this for women with the same problem.*

    That said, I find that people who are naturally "horn-balls" don't seem to feel the effects of the product.* I get bored having sex with the same girl very quickly and need it to keep myself interested in long term relationships.* I gave this to a friend who has no such issue and he did not feel anything from it.* I also gave it to a ex-girlfriend who was multi-orgasmic and she also did not feel it.*

    Bottomline - I really think your experience with it depends on what your sex life is like when you're not on it.* Highly recommend for women who have a hard time cumming, guys with ED, and guys who just get bored quickly with the same chick.
  2. #2 5th November 2009 
    SacCat's Avatar
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    Re: My PT-141 experiences

    that's well put, and typical from what i hear from people that share it with..

    My wife and i used it during a 6 day vacation and it was indeed a great experience.

    I'll get her to log on and do a write up. What we say, or she does is that she doesn't "need it" to have sex, but it makes the experience that much more memorable, after all, you'd use spf sunscreen while in the sun to make your experience in the outdoors better, it's the same thing.

    why would you just have a quickie, when you can do the "deed" all night long, or in 40 minute blocks of tossing and laughing and yes.. sexual pleasure..
  3. #3 9th November 2009 
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    Re: My PT-141 experiences

    Bottomline - I really think your experience with it depends on what your sex life is like when you're not on it.* Highly recommend for women who have a hard time cumming, guys with ED, and guys who just get bored quickly with the same chick.
    Appreciate your post and candor jb

    Any additional tricks of the trade you want to share?* Any future plans involving PT?*

    Ever travel with PT-141?

    What sort of doses have you experimented with?
  4. #4 27th August 2010 
    jbttum3's Avatar
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    Re: My PT-141 experiences

    Bottomline - I really think your experience with it depends on what your sex life is like when you're not on it.* Highly recommend for women who have a hard time cumming, guys with ED, and guys who just get bored quickly with the same chick.
    Appreciate your post and candor jb

    Any additional tricks of the trade you want to share?* Any future plans involving PT?*

    Ever travel with PT-141?

    What sort of doses have you experimented with?

    yeah no worries

    No real tricks really.* I've actually gotten about 15 more chicks to try it since that post.* Word of mouth spreads quick hahaha.* I actually have girls asking me about it now and asking me if they can try it without me even telling them.* The only real trick though, is to just talk the product up in very non-chalant way.* Don't ask them if they want to try it.* Just tell them about it and they will eventually ask you if they can try it.*

    I have traveled with PT before and find it relatively easy.* I just keep the bottles in my toiletry bag and put that in my checked luggage.* Even had TSA search my bags and they don't even bother with it.* I would try getting it through your carry on luggage though....you just never know.* Traveling with syringes is obviously a non-issue.

    As far as dosing, I have done up to 3mg in one shot.* But that was because the chems had been mixed for a few months.* I usually take about 2mg or so but I am also about 240lbs.* Usually give girls a normal dose of about 1mg.....sometimes 1.5.*

    Future plans are to get as many woman as possible to take it with me :-)* Currently working on this model in Australia.* My flatmate is good friends with her and he has told her all about it and she is very interested.* Injection isn't an issue with her as she takes HGH on the reg.* Apparently she really wants to try it with me but "doesn't want to be another one of my victims" hahahaha.* She is already a victim......she just doesn't know it yet ;-)
  5. #5 27th August 2010 
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    Re: My PT-141 experiences

    Wow, good going.* That's an update* 8)

    Feedback from women can be amazing.* Hopefully some will be joining and posting their stories