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  1. #1 24th July 2010 
    Micah's Avatar
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    How M2 made this summer fantastic

    I've been seriously delinquent for not posting on here in a long time. First off, I owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to Chris White for having this site and providing the information and instructions he has. Chris - If you're ever in the PacNW, let me know and I will buy you many drinks my friend!

    It is July 24th and I've got a great tan -- I have never had a nice natural tan like this in my life -- it has literally changed my entire perspective on the summer!* Here's how I got to where I am]
    In the beginning of March I began taking M1 -- generally took 1mg every other day through till the end of April. Started on M2 in beginning May - took 0.5 mg every other day for the whole month. Summer came late this year to the NW, so I wasn't exposed to sun much till mid-June, but then I saw an immediate change in my color - first on my face and forearms (which were always exposed) and then to my chest, back, and legs as I began to catch some sun in my back yard. What had been some scattered brown speckles got lost in a sea of tan!* The best thing has been that, whereas before the closest I came to "tan" was really a reddish tan, but now I am just straight up tan - it looks great.* I still put SPF 15 on the very exposed places (nose, ears, shoulders etc.) but what has been so incredible is that once the tan began to develop I also developed great natural protection - today it is a brilliant blue sky and 80 degrees and I was sitting out in the sun before with no SPF on at all and I am not even a little burnt (I would have been lobsteresque pre M2).* So it seems that the true intent of M2 (to provide natural skin protection of fair-skinned folks) is absolutely true.*

    I will say that I don't spend a TON of time laying in the sun because I don't want to get freakishly brown; and I have never taken more than 0.5 mg of M2 - I just don't think it's necessary.* In fact, now I take 0.5 mg of M2 only once or twice a week, because the tan has a very long shelf-life. I have also not even used a tanning bed to get to where I am (in the past the only decent color I got was from tanning beds - the sun would just burn me)

    So, in sum -* M2 has made a significant change in my summer life -- I have not had any side effects (aside from occasional passing feelings of nausea for about 10 minutes after dosing), and now I'm at the point where I don't even have to spend much $$ on it. I am a fair-skinned person (Type 2) and I really did not think this was possible.* My advice is to go into it easy, slowly up your dose (although, again, I can't see where more than 0.5 mg is needed -- that is, unless you're looking for the "boing" effect!) and then watch a nice tan develop and stick around. It's actually all quite simple after you get the initial hang of it.

    Thanks again Melanotan!!!
  2. #2 26th July 2010 
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    Re: How M2 made this summer fantastic

    What a triumphant thread, well done & thank you Micah!* Great to share the passion.* Truly my pleasure, so happy to be able to have this platform here.* If you end up with some before after pics to share, let us know please* 8)

  3. #3 26th July 2010 
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    Re: How M2 made this summer fantastic

    Pleasure's all mine Chris!* And for any of you reading this thread, just follow the instructions Chris has admirably placed on this site and you will be all good!