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  1. Replies

    Yes I'm diabetic, no I obviously wouldn't use it...

    Yes I'm diabetic, no I obviously wouldn't use it for body building, and you don't need to be a doctor to know it's a stupid move. I do have a good deal of education in biology and medical matters....
  2. I also do not think that an 18 year old or...

    I also do not think that an 18 year old or someone in his/her early 20s should be spending a lot for HGH. We know how expensive HGH is. This is why even other adults cannot afford it and just decide...
  3. Why You Need To Wait Until You're 30 Before You Start Using HGH?

    I know it is very enticing to use HGH at an early age seeing the results it brings to the users. However, you should not start using this drug at such a young age. The reason why we, the *relatively*...
Results 1 to 3 of 3