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I'm uncomfortable suggesting how many "units" to use, because the terminology is incorrect. You are using insulin syringes, and those "units" refer to a potency of insulin per ml. In this case you have u-100 syringes, but they also make u-40 syringes. If I tell you 10iu, and then you switch to a u-40 syringe, or someone else following this thread does you (or they) end up taking 250% more. You're not taking insulin, so let's forget "units" and look at weight (mg or mcg) and volume (ml)
You have 10mg of product. Divided by 40 equals .25mg, which is the same as 250 mcg.
If you add 4cc bac water, divided by 40 equals 1/10 cc. That would be your doseage, 1/10cc, and each 1/10cc dose will contain 250mcg, or .25mg of product.
Hope that helps