Just finished my 8-week LGD-4033 cycle and would like to share my experienceI will try to keep this post short.
I used LGD-4033 in a liquid form and running it at 5mg's from start to finish.
Stats when I started my cycle:
Age: 28
Bodyfat %: 15
Weight: 81kg
Height: 180cm
Diet: 2,7-2,9k kcalories, 45% carbs, 35% protein, 20% fats. Used Creatine, Glutamine, BCAA's and multivitamins. I have also been on GHRP-2+Mod GRF(1-29) for quite some time, started it 2 months before LGD-4033.
I will tell you about the effects of LGD-4033 I experienced now.
WEEK1: Not really sure if it was placebo or not but I started to notice effects from the first week and they were - better mood and increased stamina at the gym. I usually take about 3-4 minutes between heavy sets but on LGD I decreased that time to 1-2 minutes. Might be placebo because I've read that LGD starts working around 3rd week.
WEEK2: My stamina continued to get better and I was pretty sure that it's not placebo by then. I also noticed increased pumps during workouts on the 2nd week.
WEEK3: Started to notice increased appetite and I wasn't eating as clean as I should be but I actually looked leaner than before I started LGD-4033. Probably the combination of GHRP/GHRH and LGD-4033 let me eat more and stay lean. Stamina was still incredible.
WEEK4: Haven't really noticed any strength or muscle gains yet but I can push myself more at the gym due to increased stamina.
WEEK5: That's when I started to notice a slightly lean body mass gains. My upper body looked fuller, rounder and more muscular. My goal isn't really to gain size in legs because I naturally have good leg muscles.
WEEK6: This is the time when I started to see increases in my lifts and I kept gaining muscle mass.
WEEK7: Slightly injured my shoulder during a workoutCouldn't train shoulder and chest properly for the rest of the week.
WEEK8: My shoulder felt better and I was going to the gym 6 days on the last week to try and get most of my LGD cycle in the finish.
Stats after I finished this cycle:
Weight: 86kg
Bodyfat%: 14%
I'm pretty satisfied with the results I got from my first LGD-4033 run and I'm currently in a mini-PCT of Nolvadex at 20mg and I'm going to run it for 2 weeks.