I'm trying to find more information about BPC-157 and would like to hear a review from the people that have used it? What were your results?
I am suffering from a bad pain in my joints - elbows and shoulders and it probably tendonitis. I haven't been to the doctor but I plan to go and check it soon. I have read some good reviews about this peptide but some say that it did nothing to them so I don't really understand if it's worth using it. Thanks in advance for any information.
I have used it with pretty good results. I tore a pec and used BPC157 at 250mcg twice a day, micro dosed in the pec IM. After about 6 weeks I was back to training chest. It still looks like a small part of my chest is missing but it has fully healed. Without BPC157 I think it would take at least 6 months to heal my injury. It is definitely worth giving it a shot as it's an amazing healing peptide.