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Thread: hgh questions

  1. #1 16th May 2017 
    Dazzling's Avatar
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    hgh questions

    Hello, everyone.

    I've been researching human growth hormone recently and seems like it's an amazing drug.

    I might start using it after a few months but I'm not certain yet, I want to know everything about it and still have a lot of reading to do. I'm trying to calculate the costs for a 3-month course and thinking of dosages. What is recommended dose to start with? I've read that 4-5iu's per day is a good place to start. Also, would 3 months be enough for noticeable results or should I run it for longer?
    I've been reading a lot about injection times but I'm still pretty confused... when is the best time to inject it?

    I would truly appreciate any help.
  2. #2 16th May 2017 
    Spartian's Avatar
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    What are your goals mate? And how old are you?

    The dose would differ a lot from someone who is 40 years old and is simply looking for some anti-aging effects and someone who is in his late 20's and is using HGH for its bodybuilding effects.
    But I don't feel experienced enough to really suggest you something about doses.
  3. #3 16th May 2017 
    Vivien's Avatar
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    I'm really sorry for hijacking your thread but I think it's pretty related, I'm interested in HGH anti-aging and healing effects. Would HGH help with acne and the scars you get from too much acne? Would it help healing these at all?

    I have a friend who is saying that HGH made his acne and scars from acne much less visible after he started using HGH. He is also saying that it made his stretch marks a lot less visible. When he showed them to me they were almost not noticeable but I don't know how they looked before so can't judge if HGH helped them or not.

    If all of this is really true then I'm quite interested in HGH.

    Also, what would be a good dose for a female that is looking for it's healing and anti-aging effects?
  4. #4 16th May 2017 
    Edz's Avatar
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    3 months is not a long HGH cycle, in fact, it's recommended to use HGH as log as you can. 5iu's/day looks like a good place to start but we can't really be sure because we don't know how old are you and what are your goals.

    Vivien, I'm pretty sure that HGH won't make your stretch marks or scar tissue disappear. It can probably stop stretch marks from forming because it makes your skin much more elastic. I have heard that some people say that HGH helped with their acne but others say that it didn't help at all.

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