Will using IGF 1 make me stronger? Did your lifts go up when you started on it?
How long is cycle for best results? 4 weeks? 8?
Does it matter what time of day you take it?
Must taken with AAS to see any real gains?
Will using IGF 1 make me stronger? Did your lifts go up when you started on it?
How long is cycle for best results? 4 weeks? 8?
Does it matter what time of day you take it?
Must taken with AAS to see any real gains?
Many people on this board swear by igf, I've never personally used it, but i am planning in near future. Apparently you get gains and lean out at the same time.
Yes, i did find it increased my strength, not as crazy as some steroids, but still nice boost.
50 days cycle is the general max time on, then i take 1-2 weeks off and continue where i left.
I take it pre-workout with carbs, 50mcg a day is good dose for everyone just starting, you might need to up the dose after 20 - 30 days.
You can use it with or without steroids, it's great either way, you can make crazu gains if used with steroid stack or you can use it between your steroids cycles to maintain gains and lean out, keep fat off.
hope that helps, it's great peptide, i highly rate it.
I am one of those who had great experience with igf-1 ive used it only during post cycle therapy to keep hold on gains and to support me morally, it's well worth money if you can afford it.
Did not notice much strength from it, maybe more reps.
I like it too, i get hooked on vascularity it gives me.
I am using up to 100mcg a day. Any less i don't see much effect, but i am quite big, you might not need that much.
Any smart gym rat will use it during PCT because nolvadex and clomid lowers your own endogenous IGF-1. This is not what you want when you are already near zero testosterone. On cycle benefits with gear are hyperplasia and hypertrophy.
I shoot 100mcg into abdominal fat an hour before training noticed it causes great pump and I have made some solid muscle gains with almost no side effects, great stuff, better than HGH in my opinion, definitely worth the cash. only downside you can't run it for longer than 50 days.
I actually feel it's better to taper it up, not starting high from day one.
20mcg first week then add 10mcg every further week.
Strength gains should kick in within with week 2 if you are on high protein diet.
Thanks, i am gonna go and get some, no doubt it's well worth it.
I've been using 100mcg post workout only on 5 days per week and by far and away I've made my best gains doing this. I think there is some magic synergy with test/tren and igf-1