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  1. #1 24th October 2016 
    ndfan1's Avatar
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    Brand new to peptides and have a few questions

    Hello all, I am very new to the peptide world but not to working out. I'm 41 and in pretty good shape for an old guy... 5'11'' 215 pounds at about 12% right now. Currently completely natural. I've done a few AAS cycles but many years ago (11 years now). As I have began to age I have been feeling the effects of this thing we call age...lol So, here I am today ready to try peptides. I would like to build some more quality lean muscle and burn some fat. I am considering CJC-1295 no DAC stacked with GHRP-2. Here are my questions: 1) Is this a good choice for a guy my age for what I wish to accomplish?
    2) I have a few vials placed in a cart now and they are 5mg each. How much BW would you suggest I put into each?
    3) Can somebody please help me with the whole "tick mark" thing??? Insulin needles have numbers on them 1,2 etc
    with little markings in between. Please simplify for me and tell me which mark to fill the syringe up to...
    4) Lastly, what could I typically expect with regard to results with these two peptides?
    Thank you all very much in advance for the help. I have been reading through posts and everybody here seems to be very helpful and patient with newbie questions, thus the reason I posted. Thanks again!!!!
  2. #2 27th October 2016 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Be aware that ghrp-2 causes hunger spikes and also tends to hold water.

    For bodybuilding purposes it is advised to take at least 3 times a day, when there is no carbs and fat in your system. For genaral health once a day is enough.

    Other than that this is great stack for natural growth hormone release, at your age you would benefit a lot from any gh releasing peptides, but only if taken regularly for a long time. growth hormone plays a huge role in muscle building, if you are consistent with peptides and everything else is in check you will add a lean muscle tissue that unlike steroids will not disappear when you come off.

    See our calculator for reconstitution advice.
  3. #3 28th October 2016 
    ndfan1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Semin View Post
    Be aware that ghrp-2 causes hunger spikes and also tends to hold water.

    For bodybuilding purposes it is advised to take at least 3 times a day, when there is no carbs and fat in your system. For genaral health once a day is enough.

    Other than that this is great stack for natural growth hormone release, at your age you would benefit a lot from any gh releasing peptides, but only if taken regularly for a long time. growth hormone plays a huge role in muscle building, if you are consistent with peptides and everything else is in check you will add a lean muscle tissue that unlike steroids will not disappear when you come off.

    See our calculator for reconstitution advice.
    Much appreciated thanks!

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