What was your dose OP? I can't really understand, since you told use that you injected 0,5ml but didn't tell how much bac water you used when mixed PT-141. I am really curious to try out this peptide as well, not because I have an issues with libido or getting erection but just because it sounds like FUN

Been reading various experiences where 40 year old people say that on PT-141 they feel like they are 15 years old again and want to f*ck everything that moves

So as I understand you need it inject it several hours before it fully takes effect? Will need to do some planning, because I'm single at the moment. Also what about the side effects? PT-141 is a derivative of melanotan 2, so does it means that it will make you tan as well? And what about the moles/freckles? I already have quite a few moles on my chest, I definitely don't want more.