So yesterday was my first night on mk677... I had to get up twice to eat... is this a placebo effect?
So yesterday was my first night on mk677... I had to get up twice to eat... is this a placebo effect?
Lol it didn't hit me like that but my sleep is sacred so really nothing is going to interrupt that. I had increased hunger like first 2 weeks. Just started week 4 and haven't been as hungry. Could be cause am sick right now though.
I had the hunger, big time. And a little bit of bloat, but.. After week 5 bloat was gone and appetite was starting to level off. I loved it for the sleep effect.
Hi. I'm looking to burn fat and gain muscle, any ideas? I was looking into mk677 but as I read they keep talking about getting hungry and eating a lot. That's the last thing I want to do is eat more.
So using the mk-677 is good for building up and cutting fat then?
Yes. My abdominal fat has shrunk despite eating more than ever and not controlling portions. It is all healthy foods at least. But I'm using CJC no DAC and GHRP2 or Ipamorelin. Those are just injectable while MK677 is oral. Both very similar and increase GH output substantially. I also have had better muscle pumps and minor muscle gain. It takes about 12 weeks for muscle gain.
GHRP2 at 100mcg will not cause a huge appetite increase, but really any GH peptide will as they are all ghrelin mimetics to a degree. GHRP2 is substantially stronger than Ipamorelin however Ipamorelin is nice during cutting as it does not impact aldosterone or ghrelin in the same way the other GHRP's do and therefore will cause the least water retention and hunger increases.