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The sustanon has a large amount of fast acting propionate relative to the longer acting esters. In practice this means a higher peak and lower levels afterwards as opposed to even T levels for three to four weeks as was the aim when sustanon was developed. Also you injected just 200 mg of deca. With the decanoate ester it is active for at least four weeks, maybe longer. That's less then 50 mgs a week since you have to account for the ester weight in the 200 mgs as well. So I really do not think you will be supressed for eight weeks. If you really want to cancel this cycle then you have two options: do nothing You will supress a little for a couple of weeks and most probably rebound easily, or take a short cycle of clomid, maybe two weeks at 50mgs EOD after about two weeks after your first (and last) injection.