Hey guys.
Nowadays, we have different methods that people use in taking growth hormones/peptides. If you have some experience with HGH, share them with us. How do you take your HGH and how has it been working for you.
Hey guys.
Nowadays, we have different methods that people use in taking growth hormones/peptides. If you have some experience with HGH, share them with us. How do you take your HGH and how has it been working for you.
I do it sub-q after workout and it is working just fine. I love the results I’m getting. I only inject 4ui so even though I’ve keeping my dose small it’s working. My girlfriend uses HGH for weight loss and antiaging. She injects sub-q in the morning and before going to bed. She also uses 4ui but divides it in two doses and does this two days a week. She’s looking awesome and looks younger than me even though she’s a lot older than me.
Burmann (9th February 2016)
I inject human growth hormone. As I am interested in in its anti-aging result, fat burning properties and bodybuilding effect, I choose to do 5 IU a day. I inject it the usual way. 2.5 IU in the morning an hour before I take my meal and then 2.5 IU in the afternoon. There are times when I inject higher or lower dose. It depends on how I feel, but the standard is 5 IU a day.
I've heard that either before or after workout will suffice, I don't think it's much of an issue.
Instead of hgh, I am using peptides. I inject it as it works better compared to oral peptides and oral hgh. It is said that only 20 percent of the content of the pill will be absorbed by our body. The other 80 percent will be out of our system (as it gets out of our body as sweat, urine and others). When we inject, we benefit from the 100 percent content of the drug.
I want to see a VERY EFFECTIVE HGH. An hgh that is stronger the current hgh. Instead of taking 4 IU to 10 IU a day, we only need to inject 1 IU a day to get the benefit that we are getting from our current dose now. Well, I really hope so as it can help us save a lot of money.
If I were to take HGH I would be more comfortable with an oral method of taking the drug. The thought of injecting a foreign substance into my body makes me nervous. I don't like injections in the first place. I understand that is the best method to take these, but I really just don't want to do it. Maybe if I had someone who knew what they were doing injecting me I would be OK with it.
I used to take 5 IU a day. 2.5 IU in the morning and 2.5 IU in the afternoon. As of now, I am still resting from using any drugs due to certain reasons. Nope, I am not experiencing side effects. Lol. I'll resume using hgh in the future as I really love what it offers!
I split my daily dose into two. I take the first half after I wake up in the morning and then I take the another half around 5pm. My daily dose is usually 8 IU. However, I play with my dose depending on how I fee. Sometimes, I take 4 IU, 6 IU or 10 IU. Nonetheless, 8 IU is my standard dose.