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  1. #21 22nd September 2015 
    jarofhearts's Avatar
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    Peptides is really safe. While I don't use it, a lot of my friends are taking it. I am a HGH user, but I must say that peptides is a lot safer. HGH is safe as well, but you have to be careful when it comes to choosing the right dose or else, you might suffer from its possible side effects. The only reason why I chose HGH over peptides is because it gives results faster.
  2. #22 22nd September 2015 
    mayoress's Avatar
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    The topic is controversial in nature. Some people think that long term usage of peptides could be harmful to the health. And considering the fact that it could be dangerous to the health of a pregnant woman and the unborn child, I would say peptides should be taken with caution. On the other and it has lots of advantages and I haven't had any bad experience using peptides.
  3. #23 22nd September 2015 
    mrhealthy's Avatar
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    Peptides is the drug that helps your body produce growth hormone at a faster rate or at a rate equivalent to how your body produces growth hormone when you were still younger.

    Peptides has a lot of benefits. First, it has great anti-aging properties. Due to this, it helps you improve your skin, hair and nails at the same time. You can look younger, fresher and prettier with this drug.

    Second, it is great in losing weight. Those individuals who find it a little too difficult to cut some pounds despite woring out use this drug to speed up the process of burning fat.

    Third, it is perfect for bodybuilding. It boost the process of building and increasing your lean muscles and body muscles. No wonder why this is one of the best and most commonly used drugs of bodybuilder.

    Fourth, it has repairing properties. It can help you recover from an injury much faster.
  4. #24 24th September 2015 
    pwarbi's Avatar
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    I think a lot of people might be under the impression they're not safe as their seems to still be a stigma attached to taking anything that isn't prescribed by a doctor.

    That's simply not the case though and more often than not it's the other way round and peptides are safer than most prescribed drugs you can be given.
  5. #25 12th November 2015 
    peptidenoob's Avatar
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    I just recently read that peptides can cause serious health risks long-term. If you've been taking peptides for a long time now, you are increasing your risks of developing cancer.

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