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  1. #41 11th September 2015 
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    Well, I don't think it is his husband's fault for suggesting that. Probably, her husband just does not know the possible effect of peps on her and the baby. Well, I bet some of us here do not even actually know if it is really not allowed to take peps while breastfeeding or not. If I were you, I would consult a real doctor and just anyone from the internet. That would be a smarter choice.
  2. #42 12th September 2015 
    amanda1210's Avatar
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    Well, I think that going almost all natural with the baby is the way to go. Any doctor would tell that to you. As much as possible, they would want you to breastfeed for as long as you can because of the nutrients the baby could get from it. We are not all-knowing here but we know what peptides are.
  3. #43 12th September 2015 
    lizknows's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amanda1210 View Post
    Well, I think that going almost all natural with the baby is the way to go. Any doctor would tell that to you. As much as possible, they would want you to breastfeed for as long as you can because of the nutrients the baby could get from it. We are not all-knowing here but we know what peptides are.
    I agree. I think it is already given that we should not take anything when we are breastfeeding (and also, when we are still conceiving our baby in our tummy). We all know what can drugs do to our baby. That is why doctors do not even recommend you to take any medicine (not even for your illness) when you are carrying your baby on your womb.
  4. #44 12th September 2015 
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    Thank you for all your suggestions! Just to let you know guys, I have completely stopped from taking peptides or any kind of drugs as of now. I guess I have to wait until I am no longer breastfeeding to continue using peptides. My baby's sake is more important to me and my husband. We have already consulted the doctor and the doctor recommend not to take anything (drugs) while I am still breastfeeding my baby.
  5. #45 12th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by pampamparampam View Post
    Thank you for all your suggestions! Just to let you know guys, I have completely stopped from taking peptides or any kind of drugs as of now. I guess I have to wait until I am no longer breastfeeding to continue using peptides. My baby's sake is more important to me and my husband. We have already consulted the doctor and the doctor recommend not to take anything (drugs) while I am still breastfeeding my baby.
    Good for you! and for your baby too. Even know peptides are known to provide many health benefits, i would not take any risks with something that is not approved for human use.
  6. #46 16th September 2015 
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    Knowing that you are still very active on this forum makes us know that you are really serious when it comes to achieving and maintaining a great body figure! I wish you and your baby all the best. For sure, once you get back in hitting the gym and using peps/hgh, you will get that killer body again (that is if you think you lose it, but i bet you did not).
  7. #47 16th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by pampamparampam View Post
    Thank you for all your suggestions! Just to let you know guys, I have completely stopped from taking peptides or any kind of drugs as of now. I guess I have to wait until I am no longer breastfeeding to continue using peptides. My baby's sake is more important to me and my husband. We have already consulted the doctor and the doctor recommend not to take anything (drugs) while I am still breastfeeding my baby.
    You really made the right decision! I hope your baby grows healthy and kind. Your baby will thank you for discontinuing the use of peptides while you are breastfeeding him/her. You gave up the life of being so conscious when it comes to our body. Well, we are looking forward for you to get back on track after the breastfeeding phase.
  8. #48 17th September 2015 
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    I am really glad that you have listened to our advice! For sure, you and your baby will grow healthy! I know you can't wait to go back to using peptides, but you still decided to delay using it again for the sake of your baby. You are such a great mother! Do not worry. Once you are done breastfeeding, you can freely enjoy peptides and other drugs by that time.
  9. #49 17th September 2015 
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    good thing that you consulted your doctor. There is nothing better than consulting a specialist/professional. They know what will be good for you and the baby. It is also a nice thing that you did not try to use anything while you have not yet visited your doctor. I wish you and your baby all the best!
  10. #50 17th September 2015 
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    It is good to hear that you have already consulted your doctor. Most people here do not really believe and rely on doctors. They just do their own assessment on their health. Lol. Well, I am glad you did not just rely on the comments on this thread. I am sure that you will be one of the best mothers out there!
  11. #51 17th September 2015 
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    When I decide to conceive a baby, I will also be a great mom like you. No matter how much I love peptides, hgh and HCG, I will still give it up just to ensure the safety and wellness of my baby. As of now, I am still not thinking about having a baby not because i do not want to pause from taking the drugs, but because I still have to ready myself for the responsibility of being a mother.
  12. #52 19th September 2015 
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    If you are still lactating, give the kid a chance. It is the baby's time to shine. I think it is okay that you make a little sacrifice for your little one, my dear. Don't worry, every mother is good looking so smile.
  13. #53 21st September 2015 
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    Reading this thread, I feel proud for my co-peptide users. I know that you will become a great mother. I know how much you worry about your figure, but you know well not to use anything while you are pregnant or while you are breastfeeding! Congrats! You are not just sexy women, but good wife and the best mothers!

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