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Thread: stretchmarks?

  1. #41 20th September 2015 
    mystified_gem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny123 View Post
    One of my close friends tried to get rid of stretch marks with HGH, but it didn't really work. By that it doesn't mean that it wasn't reduced. He had stretch marks on his back and they did become much less noticeable. If you are really self conscious about them, then I would recommend taking them. Good luck!
    Did it ligten the stretchmarks of your friend? Well, it is not surprising that HGH can't make stretchmarks disappear as it is not mainly invented for that purpose. I suggest to see a sin doctor if you really want to get rid of it. I think that is the most effective choice.
  2. #42 22nd September 2015 
    mayoress's Avatar
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    I have heard and read these claims too. Though I'm not quick to believe, I do wonder if it's true. There have been too many false claims about cure for stretch marks, and I can't help but wonder if this is real or false claims like the rest of them.
  3. #43 17th October 2015 
    bluecardigan's Avatar
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    Stretchmarks are almost impossible to remove, unless you have the money and get it done through surgery. My advice is to use lotion or moisturizers that are rich in Vitamin E. They can help in lightening stretchmarks. Shea butter are also effective in reducing stretchmarks.
  4. #44 12th November 2015 
    amanda1210's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluecardigan View Post
    Stretchmarks are almost impossible to remove, unless you have the money and get it done through surgery. My advice is to use lotion or moisturizers that are rich in Vitamin E. They can help in lightening stretchmarks. Shea butter are also effective in reducing stretchmarks.
    My sister used shea butter before and after she got pregnant. It didn't really work for her. On the other hand, my friend just gave birth, didn't use anything, but doesn't have any stretchmarks at all! So, it depends on the type of skin you have and I guess genes play a role, too.
  5. #45 19th January 2016 
    jenishere's Avatar
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    It does not really fix stretchmark. it can't get rid of it completely (especially when it is a severe stretchmark) however, it can help you fade your stretchmark away. Just fade, not really get rid of it.
  6. #46 22nd January 2016 
    rizzajones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooray View Post
    I think HGH alone cannot remove stretch marks even though it improves the skin. You have to exercise, reduce alcohol intake and combine the HGH with vitamins.
    I agree that HGH is not a product for completely removing stretchmark. However, I also don't understand how can EXERCISE get rid of stretchmarks? :O That is so weird. If that is true, then why do I still have some stretch mark even when I have been working my ass out for years already.
  7. #47 28th January 2016 
    imadiva's Avatar
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    Well, tracing back the results before, HGH really lightened my stretchmarks. However, when I gave birth, stretchmark got worse! I am hoping peps can do wonder this time!
  8. #48 30th January 2016 
    richardbaby's Avatar
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    Since it is has anti-aging properties, I expect that it will be a great help in making the stretchmarks appear lighter than ever. However, I do not expect it to completely remove it as it does not work like magic.
  9. #49 27th June 2016 
    AaronGC's Avatar
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    Yes, it's true. Stretch marks never disappears completely but it can reduce to some extent. The thing is that, to have the complete and proper things to follow to reduce this. Stretch marks generally occurs to women and that too after 30's. It also occurs due to unwanted fats on the skin tissues. Also due to improper diet and workout. There should be proper healthy nutritious diet and workout with some effective supplements like massage therapy for your skin. This should be included in everyone's daily routine. Massage is the natural way to get rid of these stretch marks, since it burns the fats and makes skin smooth and glowing and also improves the skin tissues. So get more on your skin's massage therapy
  10. #50 24th December 2016 
    GlykeriaSiani's Avatar
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    I've had dermelastic serum for a week and I'm already seeing my purple stretch marks lighten! I tried a different product while I was pregnant and shortly after and it did nothing. Wish I would have started this earlier!!