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  1. #1 3rd January 2011 
    Semin's Avatar
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    10 Reasons Why The Sun Is Good for Our Health

    10 Reasons Why The Sun Is Good for Our Health

    1. The sunlight kills microbes. That's why it is important to put out in the
    sun carpets, blankets and eiderdowns that cannot be washed regularly.
    Exposure to the sun confers the skin a bright, healthy look and increased

    A moderately tanned skin is more resistant to infections and sun burning
    than an untanned one. Many skin diseases (dermatitis) can be controlled
    and even cured through controlled exposure to the sun.

    The sun rays are proven to strengthen the immune system.

    2. Due to the sun our mood and morals improve. Sunlight helps in cases
    of chronic or acute depression, by stimulating the synthesis of
    endorphins (good-feeling hormones). That's why we get depressed in the
    cold and dark days of the winter.

    3. The sun is good against insomnia. Daytime exposure to sunlight
    increases the melatonin production during the night. This hormone helps
    regulate the sleep.

    4. Under the action of the sunlight, the skin synthesizes vitamin D,
    which makes possible calcium absorption in the intestine, helping the
    organism grow strong bones. This way the sun prevents rachitism in
    both children and adults and osteoporosis in elders.

    5. As vitamin D and some related compounds impede the development of
    some cancer cells, we can say the sun fights off this disease. Regular
    and controlled exposure to the sun has a preventive effect against
    cancer of colon, breast, leukemia and lymphomas.

    6. Exposure to the sun strengthens the cardiovascular system. Blood
    circulation is improved, the pulse, arterial pressure, moderately high
    glycemia and cholesterol levels can be normalized.

    7. Sun rays improve liver functioning, being effective in treating

    8. They help the kidneys with a part of their job, as the sun waves favor
    the elimination of waste products through the skin, when we sweat.

    9. The sun also helps losing weight by increasing the metabolic rate
    through the stimulation of the thyroid. It also eases symptoms of
    premenstrual syndrome.

    10. The sun rays also ease the healing of the swollen joints during peaks
    of inflammation in cases of arthritis.
  2. #2 23rd August 2011 
    sharonbaker's Avatar

    Re: 10 Reasons Why The Sun Is Good for Our Health

    Thanks for sharing the great reason of sun benefits for health.
  3. #3 20th September 2011 
    helenwlsn5's Avatar
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    Re: 10 Reasons Why The Sun Is Good for Our Health

    Really good information and helpful too. Many people are not aware of all these things. Thanks for sharing!