My wife and I workout...not much stomack fat...5'8" 117lb fit;* 6'1"* 185 the buttocks allright for dosing by SQ?* any thoughts in general...out order should be here in 3 days...thanks
Chris…buttocks is the place…wife hates the site of needles…not visible back there* …. Unless you have heard of less efficacy/response in buttocks?* Thanks for your thoughts…do you know of anyone who doses in buttocks and results? Thanks again*
Chris…buttocks is the place…wife hates the site of needles…not visible back there* …. Unless you have heard of less efficacy/response in buttocks?* *Thanks for your thoughts…do you know of anyone who doses in buttocks and results? Thanks again*
Oh yeah...I am sure people dose in the buttocks and see results.* I would make sure to get it in the subcutaneous layer (not just in the fat)...that would be the only issue