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  1. #21 28th August 2015 
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    I am proud with what I did to my body so I tell them upfront that I am taking supplements and drugs in moderation. Of course, there is always a "limitation" response so that they won't freak out. If you are talking to people who are not educated about peptides, they would really react badly about it. But I don't really care because other than the shots, I know I have worked hard on what I got now.
  2. #22 28th August 2015 
    ellyjude's Avatar
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    Yes. I agree with Stidee in this. One should never talk about peptides unless he/she is asked about them. You should always encourage people to maintain their health by doing staff you know will eventually help them. One should also not brag about the shape of his/her body but instead should tell others how he/she achieved it.
  3. #23 16th September 2015 
    uchihasasuke's Avatar
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    If it is someone I am close with and if he/she is interested in bodybuilding, I tell him/her the truth. I want to share my knowledge to my family and friends who are open about using drugs for toning the body to help them achieve their dream figure as well. If it is just an acquaintance, then I tell them that I work hard a lot to achieve this body. I eat balanced meal, sleep on time and hit the gym regularly. Some people do not have to know that you are using drugs as others might judge you for what you are doing, especially if they are close-minded.
  4. #24 17th September 2015 
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    I don't think too much about this. I just tell the truth whenever I am asked. After all, I am not doing anything that I should be ashamed of. I am using peptides and hgh for the reason of wanting to be fit and well. I would be more ashamed if I am not taking good care of my body, right? Well, I also understand if there are people who do not want to reveal that they are using hgh or peptides as there are some people who tend to easily judge other people.
  5. #25 17th September 2015 
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    I tell them that I really work hard for it. I will make them understand that if there is no pain, then there will be no gain. I will also tell them that I managed to achieve a body figure close to perfection with the help of some boosters. if they start to be interested, then I will introduce them to these "boosters" which are really peptides and growth hormone.
  6. #26 17th September 2015 
    stanleyr's Avatar
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    I tell them truth. I am very proud that I am using peptides and HGH. Well, let us not forget that not all can afford these drugs. Lol. Also, I like the feeling when I am able to share the secret on how to be fit to people. I want to inspire them to be fit as well. Most often than not, those who ask me about how I get this kind of body end up using peptides and hgh as well in the hope of achieving the body form that I currently have.
  7. #27 21st September 2015 
    protozoan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amanda1210 View Post
    Less talk, less mistakes. I do not know if the people in front of me are open to peptides so I just go with the usual responses of eating healthy and hitting the gym. I have friends who are against the use of steroids and other body enhancing products so as much as possible I do not talk to them. When they tell me my body is looking great, I just smile and change the topic.
    I also used to feel the same before. However, just recently, I decided to come out as a gym enthusiast and a sunbed user (for tanning). Well, there are just some things that I can no longer deny nor I can stay mum about it. It is already so obvious considering how my body improved a lot. Last month, my body was already great (though not that great), but this month, I noticed a drastic improvement.

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