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  1. #21 12th November 2015 
    peptidenoob's Avatar
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    Best way to lose weight is to follow a strict diet and going to the gym regularly. Peptides are there to help, but if you can't discipline yourself, they will become useless.
  2. #22 13th November 2015 
    pwarbi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peptidenoob View Post
    Best way to lose weight is to follow a strict diet and going to the gym regularly. Peptides are there to help, but if you can't discipline yourself, they will become useless.
    People tend to turn to alsorts of things to help them lose weight, from the legal to the illegal when what you say is right, all most people need is a good diet, exercise and a bit of self discipline to succeed.

    I know it's easier said than done to lose weight, and especially to make sure you keep it off as well, but a healthy lifestyle is key, no matter what else you use.
  3. #23 14th November 2015 
    shuffz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peptidenoob View Post
    Best way to lose weight is to follow a strict diet and going to the gym regularly. Peptides are there to help, but if you can't discipline yourself, they will become useless.
    I agree 100%. Keeping your weight at a certain place comes down to one's discipline. Keeping yourself from eating all the fatty foods and working out on a regular basis is up to you and your decisions. Of course the peptides will help, but it still would, in the end, come down to one's decisions and choices.
  4. #24 16th November 2015 
    strengthinnumbers's Avatar
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    Here's a good link: https://www.peptideclinics.com.au/pe...-for-fat-loss/ that explains how peptides can help you in burning fat and losing weight.

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