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  1. #21 8th October 2015 
    111kg's Avatar
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    There is a lot of bad advice on this thread. Who would recommend ephedrine based products? First of all, they are illegal in a lot of countries, obviously, without a prescription. However, the biggest concern about these products if the fact that they may cause heart problems, especially for the people who aren't aware of the fact that they have a heart problem.

    L-carnitine and a regular fat burner will do the trick. You can add yohimbe too, but there is no point to take ephedrine, especially if you don't plan to compete in a fitness contest.
  2. #22 8th October 2015 
    AnnTan's Avatar
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    When it comes to a plateau in fitness, I feel like the best way to break it is strength training. The extra muscle will be burning calories all the time, even when you're just sitting around!

    As a woman, it's unlikely for you to build huge muscles with normal strength training. My whole life I couldn't get my stomach flat, but after I started a strength routine I was finally able to get that belly pouch to go flat!

    I'm not sure if it's your style, but I use this site called fitnessblender.com. The reason I like them is they give you free, at-home workouts that include cardio, interval training, and strength training. You do need a set of barbells. If you're willing to pay $9 they'll give you a whole 8 week program to follow, and they have options like abs, butt, upper body, etc. Or you can just do their free stuff.

    The other thing I like about them is all the exercises are meant to make you look better in as little time as possible. I was able to get pretty stellar results exercising 5 days a week for 30 minutes each. I used to spend twice that amount of time doing cardio and I still looked really flabby. Since I do it at home it takes way less time than the gym! If you're already exercising and have a good diet, a strength training routine might make the difference!
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  4. #23 12th October 2015 
    Honest Abe's Avatar
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    How about jogging or the treadmill? Try to get your heart beating fast and you'll enter the zone where your body is burning fat. If you can't run, then try to do something high intensity that gets you to sweat.
  5. #24 18th October 2015 
    gstpierre11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damme View Post
    Check this pic. As a man I can say that the right woman is the most attractive for me.
    Attachment 31
    I agree with you. I don't like my woman looking more manly than I am. LOL! By the way, if you are hungry all the time, try taking in more fluids. And by fluids, I mean water. Not juice, green tea, but water. It really helps with digestion.
  6. #25 20th January 2016 
    johnnybravo's Avatar
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    Choose a peptides that is within your budget and it will surely help you lose weight. Try the peptides that your family and closefriends often recommend. Then, if it doesn't work too good, try another peptides until you find the best one for you.
  7. #26 22nd January 2016 
    richardbaby's Avatar
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    Peptides is a great option! Not all who use peps are trying to compete or trying to be a bodybuilder. You can just use it to lose weight or maintain your current figure. It is very effective! You won't regret. Just give it a try and you will see.
  8. #27 22nd January 2016 
    rizzajones's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gstpierre11 View Post
    I agree with you. I don't like my woman looking more manly than I am. LOL! By the way, if you are hungry all the time, try taking in more fluids. And by fluids, I mean water. Not juice, green tea, but water. It really helps with digestion.
    Lol. How do you define a woman who looks manlier than men? Are those women with muscles you are referring to? Unfortunately, I might have a lot of muscles, but I do not look manly. Despite the fact that my body is so toned (even toner than other men's bodies), I still look like a woman as I dress up like a woman. Lol
  9. #28 4th February 2016 
    Vin.Diesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeyna View Post
    I need to cut my calories back, still.. Im eating around 1200 a day. I feel like I'm starving ALL the time. I haven't researched any ephedrine products but I will do some reading about them. Thanks for your input!!
    I doubt that taking peptides or hgh without exercise will bring any benefit. For you to lose weight with peptides, you have to pair it with proper exercise. Anyway, seeing your dp (if that is you), you seem to have a nice figure now.
  10. #29 9th February 2016 
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeyna View Post
    I need to cut my calories back, still.. Im eating around 1200 a day. I feel like I'm starving ALL the time. I haven't researched any ephedrine products but I will do some reading about them. Thanks for your input!!
    Probably, your calorie intake is what is keeping you from losing weight. Also, if your body is as great as your avatar picture, I do not really think you have to lose weight.