Seems to me that your prolactin levels are way too high.
You definitely need some blood work done. Even if you don't have insurance, you need to make some cash to find out what's happening with your body right now. Keep in mind that most of the people are, including myself, are not specialized endocrinologists and therefore, they can't give the proper advice on how to bring your hormone levels back to normal.
I think you should lay off the drugs for a while and go for a thorough medical check up. It could be connected with your liver.
I would get a blood test and consult an endocrinologist. With sufficient shrinkage you will want to get some HCG or HCG/HMG in there or you could be in for a very long recovery.
This is something I know from experience not from something I read on a forum. Letro works for puffy nipples and nipple pain but if you're lactating you need anti progesteron so you need caber bromin.