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Thread: Depression

  1. #21 27th August 2015 
    troychard's Avatar
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    Maybe you are too big now that you think your balls shrunk. Unless you make em balls workout, too, then you would not feel the same way. But hey, you cannot make em muscular, right? It is more of mind over matter. Sometimes, you really have to pay the price of getting a great looking body. Don't worry, your balls are still normal, I do not need to see em.
  2. #22 27th August 2015 
    mirandacraig's Avatar
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    I feel sorry for your depression but I hope you can overcome it. Make yourself busy by doing other things that would require a lot of concentration. If you think that your testicles have issues, you better consult a doctor so that he can check on it. Best of luck to you, OP!
  3. #23 27th August 2015 
    lizknows's Avatar
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    See a doctor already! You should not have any testicle problems!

    And how did you know that they shrank? Do you always measure them? Not to make it sound too funny but I just want to make sure that you really got them shrunk.

    Calm down and release tension by doing other physical activities that would be beneficial to you so that you can stop being depressed.
  4. #24 28th August 2015 
    protozoan's Avatar
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    I would get depressed, too, when I see my balls shrink. But don't worry, you are just being deceived by your eyes. They did not shrink, they are just as normal as how they were when you were still not buffed up. I believe it is more on the change on the other parts of your body that makes them look small.
  5. #25 1st September 2015 
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    Depression is a state of mind. I once used peptides at one of the lowest point in my life, but after a month I actually felt better especially when I noticed my muscle growth.
  6. #26 2nd September 2015 
    peptidenoob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mooray View Post
    Depression is a state of mind. I once used peptides at one of the lowest point in my life, but after a month I actually felt better especially when I noticed my muscle growth.
    You have gotten yourself a good motivation! Great job!

    Well, I agree, it is a state of mind. It is difficult if a person does not usually get depressed or too sad during the early years of his life because from what I know, that is the reason depression is built up. Or too much depression altogether. Too much of something is bad enough.
  7. #27 2nd September 2015 
    mscaver86's Avatar
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    Depression is a state of mind and I understand how you feel we all have insecurities. For example I started to lose a lot of weight and no matter what I do I can not get this loose skin to tighten up! I definitely can't afford surgery and I am 29 with no kids I thought it would just snap back! Although everyone else thinks I am over exaggerating it really makes me feel some type of way so I feel where you are coming from.
  8. #28 2nd September 2015 
    uchihasasuke's Avatar
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    I do not think the depression is caused by the peptides. It is all you. So gather yourself up and just mingle with positive people. Surrounding yourself with people that know what to say will boost your confidence back. And always think that you benefit a lot from the shots. Focus on the positive things.
  9. #29 14th September 2015 
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    Depression is a common side effects of many drugs. Those who are taking human growth hormone and peptides usually experience this. Some people choose to use anti-depressants while taking these drugs. However, I recommend not to so that you can get the optimum benefits of those drugs.
  10. #30 15th September 2015 
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    I think it's important to figure out what is causing your depression, and try to take steps to alleviate it. People usually look to the pills instead of looking to what the pills represent. People take substances because they think it will make them happier or more successful. They are really just looking for love and understanding. Try and find a place you can give back to the community and make a difference in the world, while really spreading love out there. Depression is also beaten by changing your cognitive patterns: try and think of things in shades of grey instead of black and white.
  11. #31 15th September 2015 
    pwarbi's Avatar
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    I also think that the depression won't be a side effect of the peptides but more to do with whatever else is going on in your life. Medical help is probably the way to go if you are feeling depressed and the sooner you get help, the easier it will be to overcome.
  12. #32 15th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by pwarbi View Post
    I also think that the depression won't be a side effect of the peptides but more to do with whatever else is going on in your life. Medical help is probably the way to go if you are feeling depressed and the sooner you get help, the easier it will be to overcome.
    Peptides can cause depression to become more onset and develop more, than compared to if you were off them. I think the influence they're having on his performance down there can spark the depression, and then get out of control easier.
    I agree that getting help is important.
  13. #33 16th September 2015 
    deewanna's Avatar
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    The peptides can make you feel tired, but, depression, I'm not sure about that.On the contrary, peptides should make you feel good about yourself.
    I think your depression has a lot to do with your testicles.
  14. #34 16th September 2015 
    gary_stevens's Avatar
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    Since peptides and hgh are known to work almost similar to one another, I won't be surprised if they also have almost similar side effects. With regard to using hgh, depression is a common side effect. Therefore, it won't be that surprising to know if peptides has something to do with the depression you are suffering lately. As other users have pointed out, it causes mood swings. Therefore, it really has the power to change your mood.
  15. #35 16th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary_stevens View Post
    Since peptides and hgh are known to work almost similar to one another, I won't be surprised if they also have almost similar side effects. With regard to using hgh, depression is a common side effect. Therefore, it won't be that surprising to know if peptides has something to do with the depression you are suffering lately. As other users have pointed out, it causes mood swings. Therefore, it really has the power to change your mood.
    It's not common, if you have other problems in your life don't blame the HGH. I am HGH user and it have improved my mood by 100%. There have been alot of studies that state that HGH actually improves mood, prevents mood swings, drives away depression and improves general quality of life. Deficiency in Growth hormone though can make you depressed.
    Last edited by Jass; 16th September 2015 at 07:57 AM.
  16. #36 16th September 2015 
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    First few weeks though I was a little tired and feeled generally down, that's a common HGH side effect, but it goes away quickly. Some users start to feel better from first day of HGH use, maybe that's just a placebo.
  17. #37 16th September 2015 
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    No. Peptides, hgh and other similar drugs do not cause depression. They increase your growth hormone. As far as I know, it can actually help you have a better mood and sleeping habit. Depression can be caused by deficiency in growth hormone. Therefore, taking peptides and hgh can actually cure depression instead of causing it.
  18. #38 16th September 2015 
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    From what I know, instead of causing depression, hgh and peptides can get rid of it. Lack of growth hormones in the body is one of the many causes of depression. probably, your friend is using other products or she might really be suffering from life crisis right now.
  19. #39 17th September 2015 
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    I read your post once again and I am really wondering what is the deal with your testicles? We can't really give a helpful suggestion or comment if we do not know what is happening with your testicles. Probably, the depression is not caused by the hgh even when I said before that there is a possibility that it can be due to your hgh use. Instead, it might be caused by your problem with your testicles.
  20. #40 17th September 2015 
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    I have been using peptides and HGH for too long. In how many decades of using these drugs, I have never experienced depression (well, i get sad sometimes but it is because of some unfortunate events in life). In fact, my mood has been better ever since I started injecting these drugs in my body.

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