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  1. #21 2nd September 2015 
    walterjames's Avatar
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    If you want to really attain something, you work hard for it. You need to do a lot of sacrifices so that you can get what you want. Life is not always easy. Sometimes, the things you easily get would just go away easily, too. They are all right, discipline is the key.
  2. #22 2nd September 2015 
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    You can just measure the calorie of the junk to the minimum requirement per day and just take it to reduce your cravings. However, you should not get used it and say 'this is the last time ever' because we both know how it ends.
  3. #23 10th September 2015 
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    You must be well-disciplined if you want to succeed on your HCG diet. Well, you can actually set a "cheat day" just so you will still be able to enjoy the best out of life. However, please follow your diet schedule and you should always make sure to catch up with your diet after a cheat day.
  4. #24 10th September 2015 
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    Yes, you can set a cheat day if you want. It can be once a week or once in every two weeks. It is up to you. However, once you have set something, be sure to stick to it. Also, when it comes to your cheat day, overcome gluttony! I know there is an urge to eat anything during your cheat day as this is the only day you can enjoy anything, but that is not recommended. Even during your cheat day, you should still be disciplined.
  5. #25 10th September 2015 
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    I agree with you. Just because it is cheat day does not mean you can eat too much. Remember, that we need to make up for this cheat day. We should double our effort the following days to offset what we have eaten during that day. However, if we plan our meals for the cheat day, it is possible that we won't feel it as a cheat day. lol
  6. #26 10th September 2015 
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    You do not really have to plan for your meal. What I am saying is that you should still be careful on the amount of food you take. For example, if you want to eat burger during that day, then go on. However, eating three burgers is a big no. You can enjoy, but you should still set a limit on how much you can take.
  7. #27 11th September 2015 
    jarofhearts's Avatar
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    Even under any kind of diet, you still have the freedom to enjoy anything as long as you stay faithful to your diet. Just count the calorie of that junk food. Then, work out harder to make up to it. Also, be sure not to eat junk food everyday. If your going to enjoy it everyday, then it is better for you to stop with your HCG diet.
  8. #28 11th September 2015 
    arlene_fits_in's Avatar
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    While you guys recommend cheat day, I don't. If you are really serious about achieving a body shape and maintaining it, you should be more than just willing to give up anything that might hinder to your progress. As what you guys already know, discipline is everything when it comes to losing weight and toning the body. Good luck!
  9. #29 11th September 2015 
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    Just because you are in HCG does not mean you can pig out and don’t gain any weight. If you’re doing this you have to be strict with your diet and make it all worth it. If you give in once you’ll do it twice and then when you realize you’ll be gaining weight instead of losing weight. I’m sorry but I don’t agree with people that say that form time to time is ok to eat junk food. Get used to eat healthy food, don’t think you’re on a diet, it’s a lifestyle man. If you get used to give in you’ll reach your desired weight and then gain it back in a couple weeks. Consistency, patience and discipline are the three things that will take you there.
  10. #30 11th September 2015 
    gstpierre11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo76 View Post
    Just because you are in HCG does not mean you can pig out and don’t gain any weight. If you’re doing this you have to be strict with your diet and make it all worth it. If you give in once you’ll do it twice and then when you realize you’ll be gaining weight instead of losing weight. I’m sorry but I don’t agree with people that say that form time to time is ok to eat junk food. Get used to eat healthy food, don’t think you’re on a diet, it’s a lifestyle man. If you get used to give in you’ll reach your desired weight and then gain it back in a couple weeks. Consistency, patience and discipline are the three things that will take you there.
    Definitely!! There is no gain if there is no pain. Though I agree that you can eat something nice (probably junk) once in a blue moon (probably, once a month or once in 2 months), I disagree with having a cheat day on a weekly basis. It is as if you are only burning the fat you have gained on that cheat day for the rest of the week. As a result, you do not see any change in your body. Worse, you might even noticed that you are becoming fatter than you used to be.
  11. #31 11th September 2015 
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    I don't suggest cheating on your diet. If you are determined to get the body you have always wanted for yourself, you should practice being disciplined. You should know that those who have the best body forms sacrificed so much in giving up the foods they enjoyed before. You should also do it if you want to achieve the same results.
  12. #32 11th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by thedoughboy View Post
    I don't suggest cheating on your diet. If you are determined to get the body you have always wanted for yourself, you should practice being disciplined. You should know that those who have the best body forms sacrificed so much in giving up the foods they enjoyed before. You should also do it if you want to achieve the same results.
    I agree with you. JUst like what I have already stated earlier on this thread, discipline is the key. Someone said NO PAIN, NO GAME in this thread and I must admit that he/she is right. We cannot achieve the desirable body we want if we can't resist the temptation of not following a healthy diet.
  13. #33 11th September 2015 
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    If you are on a diet and if you are eager to achieve the result that you desire, then I suggest to give up junk foods and anything unhealthy. When you diet, you do not just go on a diet for the sake of getting thin. It is to make you healthier than ever. If you cannot give up junk foods, then I think you should just give up dieting instead.
  14. #34 11th September 2015 
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    They say a little of what you fancy does you good, and while I wouldn't go as far as saying it's cheating, I do think you can stick to a strict diet, but treat yourself from time to time in moderation.

    As long as you don't over do the junk food and the beer then you'll still achieve the goals you set out to. It may take a little longer but you'll probably be happier for it.
  15. #35 11th September 2015 
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    If you are on a diet, you're doing it to either get healthier, or lose weight, or perhaps even both. Why cheat? Why lose the satisfaction of achieving what you had worked so hard for, by cheating?
  16. #36 16th September 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessicaa View Post
    If you are on a diet, you're doing it to either get healthier, or lose weight, or perhaps even both. Why cheat? Why lose the satisfaction of achieving what you had worked so hard for, by cheating?
    Exactly. Though he can cheat if he wants to but he knows that he would be fooling himself if he does that. If he is really serious about having a great figure, then he won't exchange the best result for a temporary happiness of consuming junk foods. Others say they can have a cheat day, but I do not really approve of that.
  17. #37 6th October 2015 
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    Cheat days do seem to be the in thing at the moment but I'm not too sure if I agree with them either. I don't really see the point to be honest, and with me especially, if I had a day off or had a break from my routine I find it twice as hard to get back into it, so I'd rather just keep on going

    I might treat myself once a month or for a special occasion but that's about it usually.
  18. #38 6th October 2015 
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    Don't know about HCG diet. But when cutting with simple 500 calorie deficit diet I always have cheat meal once a week. Cheat meals actually boost your metabolism and help you burn fat.
  19. #39 8th October 2015 
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    There may be some psychological gain to a cheat concept built into a diet but that is about it. Just eating a correct diet consistently will give the best results.
  20. #40 10th October 2015 
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    I think a "cheat day" is important to ward off cravings. Because when we refrain from eating what we crave, we usually binge eat it when we can't take it anymore. As long as you mostly eat healthy and do not eat junk food on a daily basis, it's okay. I find that regularly buying and eating healthy food helps me become more conscious of what I eat and makes me crave less junk. Though of course, night outs sometimes call for fast food or comfort food.

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