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  1. #21 17th October 2015 
    troychard's Avatar
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    It's all about discipline, man. Just like what captainamerica said, you'll get the hang of it. If it's really hard for you, I think you can have a liquid breakfast so you won't have to wait an hour to eat. It won't satisfy your hunger, but it will make the waiting bearable.
  2. #22 25th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by AdamW View Post
    From what I had read I've seen it us suggested to wait atleast an hour after shot to eat. And that early morning shots are the most effective.

    But following this method mean I have to wake up earlier to shoot then wait an hour or so before I can have a meal, for me that is huge discomfort. How do others go around this? Eat meal, wait an hour or so then shoot? Or just shoot and eat breakfast after 30 mins or so?

    Does shooting immediately after waking up make a big difference compared to a couple hrs later after a breakfast? How much will food affect HGH?
    Eat meal wait an hour then shoot.. That is my usual routine. Well, since I decided to take this drug, I should be open for the challenges. Carbohydrates affect your HGH intake and that is why it is recommended to shoot 1 hour before or after eating your meals.
  3. #23 26th October 2015 
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    It is all up to you to wake up early or not. The only thing I can advise is that always keep the 1 hour gap between eating your breakfast and taking the hgh because there is a possibility that the carbohydrates that you take in your meal is going to make the hgh less effective.
  4. #24 26th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    There is a chance of HGH leading to insulin resistance, it is well-documented, especially in people that are likely to have blood sugar problems.

    If you'll be injecting in AM to maintain your natural growth hormone pulse do not bother because your increased IGF and GH levels will reduce your natural growth hormone no matter when you shoot. Simply take your HGH when it is convenient.
    Great advice. Even I, who is already quite an advanced user, do not know this information. It is a relief that you shared this. Now, I will be able to intake the way I intake HGH. I am pretty sure that it will have an impact to my improvement.
  5. #25 26th October 2015 
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    HGH is best taken during mornings. Some people might want to take it in the evening, but I really discourage you to do that. It will be much better and much more effective to take it during mornings.
  6. #26 26th October 2015 
    oraclemay's Avatar
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    The more I read here, the more I learn. I had no idea that carbs could suppress the growth hormone?? This is news to me.
  7. #27 30th October 2015 
    jaredwho's Avatar
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    So this means that if you have abnormal levels of blood sugar, there will be serious effects once you use HGH?
  8. #28 20th January 2016 
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    Yes, early morning shots work the best for me as well. Nonetheless, there are people who claim that it is best to get your shots in the evening (before you go to sleep).
  9. #29 22nd January 2016 
    rizzajones's Avatar
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    Yep. It would be nice if you would use it at least an hour before or after eating. You can also make it two hours before or after breakfast if you like as long as it is AT LEAST 1 hour. Good luck!
  10. #30 24th January 2016 
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    I guess that it is a nice thing to take it in the morning. However, I know some people who prefer to use it in the evening. It is true that we really have our own preference and our body reacts really differently from one another.