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Yes. I suffer lots with gastrointestinal problems with Mt2. I was convinced that it wasnt the MT2 and went on to seek help from a gastroenterologist. I was getting a real bad acidic layer on the top of my stomach. I was going to the toilet for a number 2 7/8 times before dinner not being able to eat. Getting bloatedness all kinds of horrible stuff. After cutting out all kinds of different foods and going on different diets whilst seeing my gastro nothing changed so I got an endoscopy and everything looked fine. I Never told my doctor about MT2 to rule everything else out first. So i decided to cut my intake down slowly and my symptoms subsided. However the night of taking it i was still waking up in cold sweats and having a bad stomach the next day so i moved on to mt1 once a week and i must say a lot of the symptoms went away but i feel major depressed the next day or 2 and cant concentrate with mood swings kind of unbearable and i barely tan. It sounds stupid but i cant give it up entirely i dont want to go back to being ghostly white hopefully there's an alternative to choose from soon...