I'm a pale redhead with a fair few big freckles on my arms, legs, and back however none on my face. I'm interested in trying Melanotan II this summer and wondering if you'd be able to give me some advice with the dosage and just any other recommendations you may have?
So obviously I have Type 1 skin type so I obviously don't want to get too dark because I feel like that would look ridiculous with me having red hair and people being accustomed to me being pale. What dosage would you recommend for someone like me and for how long? A nice healthy glow would be great. If I do a low dosage, is there a lower chance of me getting noticeably dark moles and new moles? Also, does it darken eyebrows? Because I have quite fair eyebrows and I think that'd look kind of stupid if I have a tan but blonde eyebrows when in the sun. Would be amazing if a fellow redhead could share their experience. Any help is appreciated!