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Thread: MT2 Freckles

  1. #1 21st August 2016 
    droid125's Avatar
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    MT2 Freckles


    I've recently been using MT2 and was hoping I could get some advice on my next best course of action. I am skin type I or II, blonde hair, blue eyes, normally pretty pale. Been having the typical freckle breakout that many users experience, they are quite dark, mostly small, looks like little flecks of dirt basically. Just wondering how I should proceed with my dosing. My dosing so far has been:

    Day 1: 100 mcgs
    Day 2: 250 mcgs
    Day 3 : 250 mcgs
    * break *
    Day 8: 250 mcgs
    Day 9: 350 mcgs (slowly ramping it up)
    Day 10: 400 mcgs
    Day 11: 500 mcgs
    Day 12: 500 mcgs
    Day 13 : 500 mcgs
    Day 14: 500 mcgs
    Day 15: 500 mcgs
    * now started getting tanner, but also started noticing appearance of freckles *
    Day 20: 200 mcgs (tapering down to minimize freckle sides)
    Day 22: 200 mcgs
    Day 25: 300 mcgs

    *Altogether about 20 - 30 new freckles. Also it was hard to tell whether I had gained any new ones with Days 20, 22 and 25's dosages, but definitely either none or less freckles from those days.*

    note: also hit the tanning bed quite a few times, about 5 times, to hasten results. started at 5 mins lay down, built up to 9 min stand up (twice as many UV's as laydown, max is 10 mins).

    I definitely am tanner than when I started, but nothing I would call drastic or where my end goal is, want to continue, but really don't like these freckles, especially them being so dark.

    So, after reading through many posts and forums, I'm considering either:

    A) Drop MT2, let everything fade and start again from scratch. Then do real low dose, like 20 mcgs a day, and tanning bed once or twice a week, assessing each week then slowly raising dose.
    B) Keep with my conservative dose about 200 mcgs, 2 or 3 times a week, still wanting to make progress on tan. Tanning bed once or twice/ week and hope for the best, maybe allowing things to even out.
    C) Start micro-dosing and being real conservative from now on, hoping for no new freckles and allowing MT2 to build up more slowly, about 20 mcgs per day, tanning bed, or no tanning, once a week, and slowly raise dose until I find my sweet spot.

    Hoping for some MT2 vets or anyone for some advice !

  2. #2 23rd August 2016 
    fabric's Avatar
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    I truthfully think "loading" and micro dosing is a complete and utter waste of time and money. In my experience of tril and error, i've come to conclude that the most effective way to use MT2 is to simply dose it before you plan on tanning. I think that 750mcg-1mg is also a preferable amount to take. Obviously this depends on how severe you experience the nausea. I personally get little.

    All loading does is give the body a lot of melanin that it has no way of expressing other than... freckles and moles. If you get a small amount of sunlight when loading (day to day commute etc), it will tend to give you even more.
    Micro loading seems to give the body just enough to tan a little, but not enough to significantly tan. freckles will appear faster than the tan at this rate.

    I've tried it all. Now i just take 1mg on the day i plan to tan in the morning and that is it. I get much less sides, and way fewer moles and freckles than before. I also get darker much faster and deeper.
    Maybe on the first session of the yea ror so i might take 500mg instead, but usually 1mg.

    However, please remember, that everyone is different. Our genetics are what ultimately decide how we react. Although I am a type 1 with freckles naturally, I don't get many from taking MT2 this way. It may not be the same for everyone I hope you take some of this advice and save yourself a considerable amount of time and money.
  3. #3 24th August 2016 
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    Interesting. I could try this approach. How often do you go tanning?

    I really don't get the nausea side so maybe I can experiment with a range of doses on tanning days, and evaluate my results.

    Also wondering why you may think that using MT2 this way results in less freckles/moles? I've heard that tanning spreads the melanin in your skin, as apposed to concentrated spots such as freckles and moles. So maybe having MT2 fresh in your system, as well as the melanin spreading effect of tanning, this will help or prevent the concentration spots of freckles. Don't know, just my thoughts.

    Thanks for the advice though! Much appreciated
  4. #4 25th August 2016 
    love-sites's Avatar
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    Wow,I got some useful information.
    Do what I like,enjoy the life,make my favorite sexy chinese girl and parents happy,love-sites.com,just do it.
  5. #5 13th January 2018 
    Ash86's Avatar
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    Talking Anyone have before and after pics?!

    Quote Originally Posted by fabric View Post
    I truthfully think "loading" and micro dosing is a complete and utter waste of time and money. In my experience of tril and error, i've come to conclude that the most effective way to use MT2 is to simply dose it before you plan on tanning. I think that 750mcg-1mg is also a preferable amount to take. Obviously this depends on how severe you experience the nausea. I personally get little.

    All loading does is give the body a lot of melanin that it has no way of expressing other than... freckles and moles. If you get a small amount of sunlight when loading (day to day commute etc), it will tend to give you even more.
    Micro loading seems to give the body just enough to tan a little, but not enough to significantly tan. freckles will appear faster than the tan at this rate.

    I've tried it all. Now i just take 1mg on the day i plan to tan in the morning and that is it. I get much less sides, and way fewer moles and freckles than before. I also get darker much faster and deeper.
    Maybe on the first session of the yea ror so i might take 500mg instead, but usually 1mg.

    However, please remember, that everyone is different. Our genetics are what ultimately decide how we react. Although I am a type 1 with freckles naturally, I don't get many from taking MT2 this way. It may not be the same for everyone I hope you take some of this advice and save yourself a considerable amount of time and money.
    Before and after pics please?! Thank you in advance.! ☺️☺️

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