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  1. #1 23rd July 2016 
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    Starting Melanotan 1 for rosacea treatment

    Hi friends. I'm type 1 - super white with a palish/pink complexion.

    Just bought some m1, bac water, alcohol pads and needles. I believe my order will be here by Wed.

    Plan is to put 1 ml of bac water in 10 mg vial of m1, then pre-load some syringes and stick them in the freezer. I'll inject .25mg every morning and night, totaling .5mg daily.

    My reasons for low-dosing: this is treatment for rosacea, not to get incredibly dark; minimize side effects; if something goes wrong, like weird spots on face, smaller doses might minimize visible issues, I'm 110 pounds soaking wet and sensitive to what's put in my body.

    Anyone see any holes in this (both preloading and lowdosing), please let me know!

    Also- I tried Melanotan 2 about 4 years ago for the first time. I didn't even finish a 10mg vial bc I was breaking out from it really bad. So I wasn't able to see how it would help my rosacea. However, the lasting effect it has had is that ever since that time my shoulders and legs actually tan when I'm out in the sun! First time I can remember. Really hoping m1 cures my rosacea and helps my skin heal! Wish me luck!
  2. #2 24th July 2016 
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    you said you tried mt2 and said you were breaking out - with spots/acne or freckles/moles?
    also melanotan 1 will ultimately have the same effects as mt2 albiet alot slower
  3. #3 24th July 2016 
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    I broke out with acne. Not miles/freckles/spots. I was breaking out a lot back then and was super stressed.

    Skin is doing tons better. Looks great other than the rosace. And I'm low stress these days. Seems like a good time to try again.
  4. #4 26th July 2016 
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    melanotan totally helped me my acne, it was not severe but it went away when i got darker and never came back.
  5. #5 27th July 2016 
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    So after re-reading info on this site I changed things up a bit. Still doing a low dose of .25mg/250mcg twice daily. Reconstituting with 2 ml of bac water now instead of 1 and drawing out 5 units each injection. Storing reconstituted m1 in fridge instead of freezer.

    Got everything in mail today and did my first injection of m1 tonight. Half hour later I don't feel any of the side effects. So far so good.

    Wish me success!

    Will update in about a week.
  6. #6 3rd August 2016 
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    I've been injecting for a week now. M1 at 250mcg twice a day.

    So far I've noticed: libido increase and suppression of appetite. I also had a friend (who has no idea I'm using this stuff) say that I'm developing a bit of tan under my red skin. She was talking about my neck and chest, just under collarbone. I looked in the mirror and she's right. I've been using sunblock but I don't generally put any there.

    I've been staying out of the sun as much as possible and using sun block. But I live in a sun state. Its up at 7am and goes down around 7pm here. So just walking from house to car you're blasted by the rays.

    This week I'm going to get about 5 min of sun per day and maybe about a minute of that for my face. Right now rosacea appears unchanged. But of course I'm low dosing so I didn't expect to see anything yet.

    Wish me luck! Will update in about a week.
  7. #7 11th August 2016 
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    Just finished first vial.

    Update: no longer notice higher libido. Suppression of appetite is there but minimal. I have two bruises near injection sites. Hopefully those will fade quickly.

    Noticing legs getting more tan than they ever have. Not that most people would call it tan. Lol. But trust me, it is for me. And chest/breastbone area and neck are tanning a tiny bit too. Maybe I should say that they are not getting as red from sun as they usually do. Face... maybe a tiny tiny bit of tan under the pink... Very tiny.

    So mostly I don't seem to be burning as easily. Though, I'm not out in the sun testing this much. I think I get enough sun. Would rather take my time and tan slowly than burn. And in the past I burn in about 5 to 20 min. depending on location.

    Unfortunately I'm going to take almost two weeks off due to traveling and not having proper storage facilities. Hopefully this won't effect the process negatively. Will be back to it by the 22nd or 23rd of Aug.

    Looking forward to having another go. May be a little more assertive. Thinking of injecting .8mg daily instead of .5mg. Hopefully that won't be too much for me.
  8. #8 13th August 2016 
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    Are you sure you have MT-1 and not MT-II? MT-1 doesn't increase libido, that is exclusive to MT-II.
  9. #9 13th August 2016 
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    It definitely says m1 on the bottle and is advertised as m1 online. I've read in multiple places that it increases libido and think I also read that side effects of m1 are a lot less than m2.

    If that's not true then perhaps I had a placebo effect? Believed it to be true so it was?
  10. #10 13th August 2016 
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    I also noticed today that my face is less pink and more even. Think when I'm injecting my "flush" kind of stays on my skin. Now that I haven't injected for over a day my face looks good - even and not as pink.
  11. #11 19th August 2016 
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    Have you noticed any improvement in memory or quickness of thinking? "In addition to its pigmenting effects, afamelanotide has been found to induce brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in the rodent brain via activation of the MC4 receptor and mediate "intense" neurogenesis and cognitive recovery in an animal model of Alzheimer's disease."
  12. #12 23rd August 2016 
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    Nope, I haven't noticed improved memory or clarity/quickness in thinking. But I would love to read up on that. Do you have any article links to share?
  13. #13 23rd August 2016 
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    Update: bruises have faded. Starting 2nd load phase today with m1.

    Putting 2ml of bac water in 10mg vial of m1. Got smaller gauge needles (30). Doing similar to last load phase. .25mg morn and .25mg at night. So will draw back to 5 units morn and 5 units at night. For a total of .5 day. Will last me 20 days. After that I'll do one more load phase with a new vial of m1, increasing the dosage slightly if all goes well. This time I plan on getting more sun. Maybe 10-20 min of natural sun a day with only about 5 min or so on my face.
  14. #14 26th September 2016 
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    Update: finishing last phase 3 load. Now injecting 1mg per day (.5 mg in morn & .5mg in afternoon).

    Have a nice natural tan now. Looks great on whole body. Some white pigment spots but it doesn't bother me. I've noticed one freckle on my face that may have darkened slightly. Face is actually tan!!!! Rosacea looks better! Super excited about this.

    I didn't tell my partner that i was using m1 and about two weeks ago she told me my face was getting tan. The next day she mentioned it again. Then i told her what i was using. I wanted to see if anyone would notice. And they do.

    I'd like to continue and get a darker tan on my face but I'm traveling the whole month of oct and don't want to deal with syringes. So I'll wait until nov to start a load 4 phase.

    Downsides: i get rashy with this stuff and unfortunately i break out a little from it. It mostly happens on my neck and chest. Body becomes itchy. With that said everytime i take a few days off it quickly clears up so I'm able to control the negative effects a bit by taking a few days off when needed.

    Till nov-

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