Decided to make a thread about my experiences with melanotan. I believe more info won't hurt anyone so I hope you'll find my thoughts helpful.

So I started with 0.5mg on Tuesday - Facial flushing and mild nausea.
Wednesday - 0.5mg. Sides were the same, maybe flushing wasn't as noticeable as the first day. Around 20 min in sunlight to see if something will happen.
Thursday - 0.5mg. No flushing, mild nausea. Had some free time to try and tan outside for 30 min.
Friday - 1mg, almost no sides.
Saturday(today) - 1mg, no sides at all and went to a sunbed for 6min. Now while I'm writing this it's almost 7 hours since I went to sunbed. Was feeling itchy all day and thats it, but now under good lighting I saw that I'm starting to become red. I guess it means I'll be red and itchy for a few days and my skin tone will get back to normal. Probably gonna give it one more week and stop. I feel it's not gonna work.