I Have been taking MT2 for about 5 months now and it has worked. I am a type 1 and i like to be pretty dark with mt2. I started injecting into my stomach and it was making me rather bloated so i have switched to injecting my bum cheeks however i keep having to throw up little bits of acidy sick on the day of injection and feel pretty down. I am injecting 1000mcg once a week with a 12 minute sunbed session to maintain my tan. Im wondering whether less amounts over the week would maintain the tan the same and stop the sicky thing as obviously 1000mcg is a pretty high amount and with it not being in my system all week then a high dose is this just my bodys reaction to it? Also my skin is pretty dry i do apply moisturizer to my skin on the days of not tanning would my face still tan as much if i had moisturized before the sunbed session?