Hi all,
I'm 32 and I've been taking Melanotan 2 (purity > 99%) for 5 years (50mg/year) and been feeling OK all along.
Unfortunately, one year ago, my supplier went down from the Internet and I had to buy MT2 from another one who was strangely cheap with 98% purity. At that time, I didn't know which supplier choose but this one had good comments on eroids.com
My first shot (0.5mg) of this new melanotan went bad. It started with stomach pains that I've never experienced before, terrible headache, tiredness, but it was MT2 for sure, I could tell it. So I decided to throw it all away.
After 2 weeks, I did'n't feel better. In fact, it got worse : my heart was beating harder, I couldn't sleep and I was in pain all day long.
I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with hypertension 14/9. Two weeks before when i was still feeling Ok, the doctor diagnosed me with low tension (11/6) in a routine control. So the spike was tremendous.
He gave me some medication against hypertension but it still wasn't enough. I was still in pain but everyone knows that you don't feel hypertension. So maybe it was something else.
After that, he doubled the treatment and couldn't tell what was going on with me and said that I was too young for such illness. For him, maybe there was still something in my body that could take years to be eliminated. He didn't really have a clue and was astonished that the treatment wasn't working as well as he thought it would.
Then I went to the cardiologist. He did many tests and checked urines, kidneys and heart. For him, everything was OK, except, of course, my blood pressure. I told him that I could still feel the pain. He told me that he "wasn't God" and that maybe it was psychological. Believe me, it's not.
Even if I do more running, eat less and avoid stressful situation, I can still feel my arterys violently pulsing.
I have to do more effort to do anything. I get headeaches and I can't go through any stress because then my face goes red with big arterys appearing. It looks like my head is gonna explode.
Well if someone could help me, I would be very grateful.