I've dosed MTII twice, 150mcg pre taning bed, then once this morning as I'm going to fast for the day. I didnt get any of the MTII sides, such as sickness or the boners. I'm just wondering if there are any others that dont get the MTII sides. I hope my stuff is good?
150mcg is a pretty low dose man, I have always used 250mcg 30 mins pre and post tanning for best effect. I start to get boners at around this dose (~500mcg) and they became much more pronounced when I experimented with higher dosing.
I think it's okay to start low. If you haven't observed any effects, then just increase the dose a bit. Yeah, there are others who don't really experience the sides.
Sorry, I really can't give any answer with your question. I just came here to research about melanotan as I already bought some vials and I am planning to start using it next week. Wish me luck!