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  1. #1 20th May 2015 
    jdunca10's Avatar
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    Air bubbles question

    I started today, I was drawing 150mg so according to the peptide calculator it was 2 ticks.

    When I drew the mt there was an air bubble in the syringe that wouldn't go away. I tried flicking it and it went to the top and I released some. but I'm jw if I injected that small air bubble would it pose a health risk? It seems every time I draw solution there is always an air bubble in there..

    also I had a little blood from the injection site which I wiped with an alcohol pad. so am I okay with that?

    Feel a little light headed. took two shots before hand to get the courage to do it as I hate needles

    And is there a way to avoid getting a bubble in the syringe? When I draw back the needle it wants to push itself back out once it's through the stopper, making it hard to keep the dosesge I need
  2. #2 20th May 2015 
    peptideguru's Avatar
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    Re: Air bubbles question

    To start, for SubQ purposes, small air bubbles are of little to no risk.
    The issue is when using something that has to enter the blood stream, as air here can be fatal.

    Blood at the injection site is ok too, as long as it's only a little bead, and no a full on fountain.

    It sounds like you have a negative pressure issue, which happens as you remove air and solution from the vial and it doesn't get replaced.
    Before your next injection, suck about 5 units of air into the syringe, insert it into the vial, then inject the air in.
    Then proceed to withdraw the solution - the extra air should stop it sucking back into the vial.

    Lastly, if you withdraw about 5-10 units of solution, knock the air bubbles to the top of the syringe, and then inject the solution back to the 2 tick mark point, you should eliminate all air bubbles.

  3. #3 29th January 2016 
    mia_fab's Avatar
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    Be careful of air bubbles, dear. It can steal your life without you knowing it. If you are not a professional IV therapist or you do not have any experience in injecting on your own, I suggest you look for someone who can do it correctly for you.
  4. #4 30th January 2016 
    richardbaby's Avatar
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    Air bubbles re deadly. Everyone should be wary of this. Me and my girl are always cautious whenever we do her mt-2 session. If you are not skilled in administering any drug, you better seek help from the skilled ones.
  5. #5 30th January 2016 
    fattyjim's Avatar
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    This is the first thread that I have read here. It is really making me scared right now. I do not want to risk my life. Anyway, I guess I will just find a licensed IV therapist who will administer me the peptides that I am planning to use.
  6. #6 30th January 2016 
    rockinl's Avatar
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    Just draw more than necessary and inject the extra back into the vial. Also, unless you get a huge bubble in a artery, not likely to have any ill effect. Never inject straight into the skin. Always at a 45 or so degree angle while pinching the fat.
  7. #7 16th February 2016 
    superguia's Avatar
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    Air bubble can be dangerous. Small ones (the usual air bubbles we see) usually pose no to little risk. On the other hand, bigger air bubbles are known to be really dangerous that it can steal your life in just a few seconds.