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  1. #41 16th April 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    I haven't seen this mentioned, is the darkening of hair permanent or does it return to your natural hair color if you go off MT2?

    Sorry for the incredibly slow reply, somebody else at LabPeptides must have opened this thread as I didn't see it as 'New'!

    Hair darkening is most definitely temporary, and it usually requires a considerable amount of MT2 to actually work.
    I believe it's normally the 500mcg-750mcg every day range that allows your facial hair to darken well.
    However, most people dose in excess of 1mg/every other day to start noticing results for head hair - and even then the reports are rare.

  2. #42 23rd May 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    Hi everyone- this is my first time ever blogging but I am pretty desperate to find some relief for my rosacea which has been a part of my life for years now.* I have a red tone to my cheeks, chin, ears and nose now, and it is even beginning to develop on the forehead.* Not to mention the veins that are beginning to appear.* I've tried topical creams, anti-biotics and even IPL treatments and nothing has provided any relief.* The only thing that helps somewhat, is lifestyle changes, which I have implemented, but there are triggers that I just can't avoid because of work, social life, ect.* I hate sounding so vein but the discomfort I go through as a result of my rosacea and the severe and constant flushing really affects my quality of life and so I am at the point where I want to try melanotan 2 as I've read it can help to camouflage the redness somewhat and also creates a better barrier against the elements.* I live in Canada and I have no idea where to get melanotan 2 from that is a credible source.* If someone could lend a hand I would really appreciate it.* Any other pointers or tips would be a huge help.
  3. #43 24th May 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    Hi everyone- this is my first time ever blogging but I am pretty desperate to find some relief for my rosacea which has been a part of my life for years now.* I have a red tone to my cheeks, chin, ears and nose now, and it is even beginning to develop on the forehead.* Not to mention the veins that are beginning to appear.* I've tried topical creams, anti-biotics and even IPL treatments and nothing has provided any relief.* The only thing that helps somewhat, is lifestyle changes, which I have implemented, but there are triggers that I just can't avoid because of work, social life, ect.* I hate sounding so vein but the discomfort I go through as a result of my rosacea and the severe and constant flushing really affects my quality of life and so I am at the point where I want to try melanotan 2 as I've read it can help to camouflage the redness somewhat and also creates a better barrier against the elements.* I live in Canada and I have no idea where to get melanotan 2 from that is a credible source.* If someone could lend a hand I would really appreciate it.* Any other pointers or tips would be a huge help.

    May be worth starting a new thread, you can do so HERE, as this is posted as a comment on a guide, it may not been seen by many people.
  4. #44 4th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    I'd like to elaborate on the B12 storage

    - Has anyone found a B12 bottle that is legal everywhere and that is dark enough the cover the fact that M2 is no red liquid.

    - When sterilizing]
    - the B12 I can buy over the counter here are ampoulles. Is it okay to travel with stuff I have ordered online which is not for sale in my own country?

    - how about contact lenses vials? Seems like a "better" solution.
  5. #45 4th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    I'd like to elaborate on the B12 storage

    - Has anyone found a B12 bottle that is legal everywhere and that is dark enough the cover the fact that M2 is no red liquid.

    - When sterilizing]
    - the B12 I can buy over the counter here are ampoulles. Is it okay to travel with stuff I have ordered online which is not for sale in my own country?

    - how about contact lenses vials? Seems like a "better" solution.

    All vitamin B12 should be identical in terms of legallity, and generally the vials are coloured brown due to the fact B12 is senstive to light, and will degrade in it.

    If you don't remove the top it will remain sterile. Insert the syringe and remove as much of the liquid as you can, it's not essential though.
    It will get diluted when you inject your 1-2ml of MT2 solution in to the remainders of B12. These levels will have no noticeable effects.

    I believe for sterilization of the lens vial you either need to heat it or use UV? I'm actually not sure on the effects of UV on the melanotan peptide, so couldn't comment on that.
    Once you reach temperatures of around 45C you can start to denature the peptide*.

    * Don't quote me on that, I'll try and find the study to double check the figure.
  6. #46 4th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    Thank you so much, Tom

    I thought of a contact lens vial as the "ideal" solution. If you'd pack it with some lens product and an extra pair of contact lenses, no one will think]Are those vials any different from the empty vials you can order? They look the same way.
    Or how about putting a label of contact lenses on a M2 vial ( if it's the same kind of shape).
  7. #47 5th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    The ones I've seen have been plastic twist tops, but I don't use contacts.
    If you can blag the fact your MT2 vial is a contact lens solution then it would most likely work.

    I think you're just over thinking it though! So long as it's all in your hold luggage then it should be fine.
  8. #48 5th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    These contact lens vials look pretty much like M2 vials: https://www.suppleyes.net/CONTACT_LENS_ACCESSORIES.html

    Most of the time you should be fine, but I've just talked to a guy from a bodybuilding forum, it got x-rayed ( checked luggage) and had been taken away from him. That's probably maybe one out of a thousand, but just to put your mind at ease, it's always a good idea to find the best possible solution.
  9. #49 5th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    These contact lens vials look pretty much like M2 vials]https://www.suppleyes.net/CONTACT_LENS_ACCESSORIES.html[/url]

    Most of the time you should be fine, but I've just talked to a guy from a bodybuilding forum, it got x-rayed ( checked luggage) and had been taken away from him. That's probably maybe one out of a thousand, but just to put your mind at ease, it's always a good idea to find the best possible solution.

    Looks alright, could be pretty pricey and you may run into a few issues.
    First, you'd need to buy the glass vial ($53.65), then you can only buy 50 stoppers [one use?] ($20) and then 200 caps ($5.50), so about $80 all in.

    Second, You'd need to pop the silicon cap every time you wanted to inject, as the silicon most likely won't reseal. This would mean resterilization each time.

    It could be easier to buy your vials unlabelled (which we offer if you email us before/shortly after placing your order), and packing some other contact lens goodies to blag it as being a lens vial. Would still need to give an excuse for the needles I guess though.
  10. #50 5th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    You pack the unlabeled vial with a pair of extra lenses and liquid in one bag* and the syringes and B12 ampoulles in another one so it doesn't look like that stuff is related.

    When a vial is packed amongst other contact lens equipment, it seems logical that it's related in a way.

    Are those unlabeled vials "almost" identical to contact lens vials?
    I wonder what happens if the X-ray machine spots a vial? Do they notice it's packed amongst contact lens stuff?
  11. #51 6th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    You pack the unlabeled vial with a pair of extra lenses and liquid in one bag* and the syringes and B12 ampoulles in another one so it doesn't look like that stuff is related.

    When a vial is packed amongst other contact lens equipment, it seems logical that it's related in a way.

    Are those unlabeled vials "almost" identical to contact lens vials?
    I wonder what happens if the X-ray machine spots a vial? Do they notice it's packed amongst contact lens stuff?

    Normally it's not quite like that. The person in charge of the x ray screen normally has about 2-3 seconds to deem whether a suitcase is safe. It does give a perfect image, it gives 'blocks' of colours, which represent different materials.
    As an example, I believe orange is 'organic', green is 'inorganic' and purple/black is 'metallic'.
    This means large bottles of liquid will appear as a big orange/green rectangular blob, depending on what's in it. This is what they're mainly looking for, as most explosives and drugs fit into this category.
    '"[ul]\n".self]', '', '
    [li]Smaller blobs could be aftershaves, creams or one of the many other small containers that people take on holiday and are usually of little risk.[/li]
    The next thing they look for is if it could be an IED, which will mean pieces of circuitry, which is usually a green square/rectangle with purple/black blobs.
    If you have the two above, you're going to get flagged and checked.
    '"\n".self]', '', '
    [li]Things like laptops are normally OK, a singular phone probably wouldn't raise an issue either.[/li]
    Lastly, although no less important, is guns, and knives. These will appear obviously more often than not, because they take shots from 2/3 angles, the orientation of the weapon won't matter how it appears.
    Your needles probably won't even show up, and if they do they won't appear large enough to warrant a search -> UNLESS it's in your carry on luggage, as you can still cause an issue with a needle on a plane.

    So, if they see the vial, it would be an orange little blob with a black line on top, it would be pretty impossible to tell what it is without opening it.
    They would also only see another orange blob for the lens solution.

    It would be a good idea to separate the B12 and MT2 if you were to do it that way, but I still think the idea of swapping the MT2 into the B12 vial would be easier if you were to buy the B12 anyway.
    Seeing as if you end up travelling somewhere where the B12 is illegal, they'll also likely take your needles and you wouldn't be able to use your MT2.
  12. #52 6th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    Yes but if you travel to a country where B12 is illegal, they will take the M2 stored in a bottle away from you, so I don't really get your point here.

    In my country it's legal to buy it over the counter. Lots of vegas use it, some use the oral version, others the SQ version.
    Arent there any rules like: if it's legal in your own country, you can buy it and take it with you?
  13. #53 6th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    Yes but if you travel to a country where B12 is illegal, they will take the M2 stored in a bottle away from you, so I don't really get your point here.

    What I mean is, if you travel to a country where B12 is illegal they will;
    Take your Vitamin B12 vial (full of melanotan) from you, and your needles and wipes, so no MT2 can be used.
    OR, Take your real Vitamin B12 vial from you, and your needles, and you're left with a contact lens of MT2.
    So, however you go, you won't be able to use it while you're away, and as the contact lens decoy costs more than a vial of MT2, it's not really economical to do.

    In my country it's legal to buy it over the counter. Lots of vegas use it, some use the oral version, others the SQ version.
    Arent there any rules like]"

    If you carry a prescription, or a doctors note, it'll slide in pretty much all countries bar UAE and Saudi Arabia who are notoriously bad for things like this, but it's really hit and miss.
  14. #54 6th July 2015 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 & 2 Peptide Guide/Walkthrough

    Once I traveled and my doctor wrote a note: he needs medication. That was pretty much it. I wonder if you can carry everything when you just have a general note like that.
    My doctor knows that I'm a vegetarian and I once asked him]
    So I could remind him before a holiday like: hey doctor, remember I mentioned my B12 usage, I feel "best" when using small doses every day and on holidays I need my energy.
  15. #55 22nd August 2015 
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    Well it sounds like if you really want to stay tan you may wish to find a way to use the melaton without being detected. It is one of the options that you are looking for. there are many ways you can get the information you need, and this forum seems to be the best way to find it. It is one of the options that you are looking for. It is one of the otpions that you need.
  16. #56 26th August 2015 
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    Wow! Thank you so much for sharing the info. I have definitely learned something new I could use to my advantage.
  17. #57 3rd October 2015 
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    Hi I think the guide you have wrote is great. I have been taking melanotan for just over 4 years and I wish I had read something like this when I started. I started out on 1000mcg per day, way too much and I got bad sides sickness etc. I cut it down to 500mcg per day then 333mcg per day and with this dose, I felt ok.

    I didn't realise how brown I went. It was only from people saying to me how brown I looked that I realised I was maybe too brown lol so I cut my dosage back further.

    I find it hard to settle on a right maintenance dose. Over the years I have dosed 333mcg per week with one 3 minute sunbed per week (trying to minimise sunbed as much as possiible lol) and I have found with this my skin went paler but I was happy enough with this because I was too brown to start with

    I wanted to ask you about the half life of Melanotan 2. When you say 33 hours does that mean Melanotan is active in the body for 33 hours? I was never sure when was the best time to use a sunbed after a dose. I used to do an injection the night before and the next day do a sunbed. Then I thought it would be better to take the dose in the morning and do a sunbed later the same day

    I think this guide is a great help for people who are trying Melanotan 2 for the first time. I near shatt myself when I was injecting for the first time lol
  18. #58 4th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by dev123 View Post
    Hi I think the guide you have wrote is great. I have been taking melanotan for just over 4 years and I wish I had read something like this when I started. I started out on 1000mcg per day, way too much and I got bad sides sickness etc. I cut it down to 500mcg per day then 333mcg per day and with this dose, I felt ok.

    I didn't realise how brown I went. It was only from people saying to me how brown I looked that I realised I was maybe too brown lol so I cut my dosage back further.

    I find it hard to settle on a right maintenance dose. Over the years I have dosed 333mcg per week with one 3 minute sunbed per week (trying to minimise sunbed as much as possiible lol) and I have found with this my skin went paler but I was happy enough with this because I was too brown to start with

    I wanted to ask you about the half life of Melanotan 2. When you say 33 hours does that mean Melanotan is active in the body for 33 hours? I was never sure when was the best time to use a sunbed after a dose. I used to do an injection the night before and the next day do a sunbed. Then I thought it would be better to take the dose in the morning and do a sunbed later the same day

    I think this guide is a great help for people who are trying Melanotan 2 for the first time. I near shatt myself when I was injecting for the first time lol
    My first ever dose was 1mg too, just based on the information around back then.
    I'm not sure why it was ever that high, whether there were just bad suppliers or if people just really didn't understand it.

    By half life I mean the time it takes for half of the peptide to break down in the body; similar to how you would have learned about radioactive decay in physics, but slightly different.

    So, if you inject 500mcg at 10AM on Monday, at 7PM Tuesday (33h later) you will have 250mcg left in the body. Then at 3AM Thursday (another 33h later) you will have 125mcg left in your body.
    It actually takes around 10 days for a 500mcg dose to clear from your body (to trace amounts).
  19. #59 4th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by peptideguru View Post
    My first ever dose was 1mg too, just based on the information around back then.
    I'm not sure why it was ever that high, whether there were just bad suppliers or if people just really didn't understand it.

    By half life I mean the time it takes for half of the peptide to break down in the body; similar to how you would have learned about radioactive decay in physics, but slightly different.

    So, if you inject 500mcg at 10AM on Monday, at 7PM Tuesday (33h later) you will have 250mcg left in the body. Then at 3AM Thursday (another 33h later) you will have 125mcg left in your body.
    It actually takes around 10 days for a 500mcg dose to clear from your body (to trace amounts).

    Thanks man, thats a great help. It is good to have this. You can pinpoint accurately what the optimum dose is (it was a bit of trial and error for me getting there lol) but going forward I think we can be sure we are right on the line of a safe effective dose.

    Thanks again for your insight
  20. #60 8th January 2016 
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    I've ordered MT2 from labpeptides.net last sunday and have not received my order or communication. Does anyone know who I can contact? Has anyone ordered recently and had problems? Getting concerned as the money has left my account and I leave for my holiday in 14 days....