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  1. #1 22nd September 2014 
    guffy's Avatar
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    Any MT2/alternative news etc?

    Hi all!
    I was not here for some time so hope it won´t make big harm if I ask this way ]
    Is there anything new reg. MT2 like new facts (mainly health related), move in the legislative better alternatives or better way of getting MT2 into body (compared to injection)?

    Otherwise I´m still quite impressed how this drug works despite I almost thought it won´t work on me.
    I was on holidays at the start of May and through out the summer I have been doing some very irregular maintenance (e.g. no jab for 2 weeks then sunny weekend) because the weather was just bad in general (several sunny days altogether). Anyway as type-1 I still did not get back to my white and have pretty good color and strong tan lines.

    This reminds my other question. Can such irregular maintenace be still effective? I mean after week or two without injecting my body is completely "unarmed" and I´m just that skin type-1 again right? But for example if I take two doses in 2 days and then I expose to sun is that sufficient? I mean at the beginning it took quite some time before the body started responding... I hope I don´t need to take 20-30mg again to somehow restart the process ]

  2. #2 22nd September 2014 
    jim c's Avatar
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    Re: Any MT2/alternative news etc?

    i do .250 ml every three days for maintance.
  3. #3 23rd September 2014 
    Semin's Avatar
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    Re: Any MT2/alternative news etc?

    Hey guffy, MT2 remains king of the hill. There is nothing wrong or abnormal about your dosing schedule. Actually I think your usage may mirror mine for the most part, review my mt-2 dosing schedule as of late. Always dose according to weather, lifestyle and convenience...don't sweat the small stuff. As you are not virgin to the product, your skin with deposits of melanin protects beyond your natural skin type limits...dosing prior to exposure is sufficient in your case, absolutely!