Anyone had moles/freckles lasered while still on Melanotan?
I was thinking of having ruby or alexandrite laser done on the darkened moles, freckles, and liver spots that have emerged since starting Melanotan. Has anyone done this? I really don't want to go off it and anyway, I feel like if I went off in order to have laser treatment, the treated moles would just darken up again were I to resume MTII usage.
Re: Anyone had moles/freckles lasered while still on Melanotan?
I was thinking of having ruby or alexandrite laser done on the darkened moles, freckles, and liver spots that have emerged since starting Melanotan. Has anyone done this? I really don't want to go off it and anyway, I feel like if I went off in order to have laser treatment, the treated moles would just darken up again were I to resume MTII usage.
I soldered off various moles on my face and arms in between my melanotan cycles. Some came back and some didn't..