Is there anyone having problems after mt1 with muscles
Im from abroad, so forgive me my mistakes and simple english.
I ordered mt1 from US and used it nasal (selfmixed) for about 2 monthes. 3 weeks after last use i got headache for 3 weeks. After this 3 weeks headache disappeared but i got heavy muscle problems. Im still having them. No energy, jerking, weakness everywhere in my body. My blood seems to be ok. Has anyone an idea where the problem could be?
Sorry to read of the unique troubles Cheeselandguy. Never have I read about or experienced similar results from Melanotan 1...or any peptide weeks after dosing (Nasal MT1 is also new to me....) - please update if you are able to pinpoint & overcome your issues, good luck!
Re: Is there anyone having problems after mt1 with muscles
I have been using MT2 for 9 weeks. I am approximately 12 mgs in. I had no side effects from the first 10 mgs. I ordered 3 more vials and am about 2 mgs into one of the new vials. Since using the new order I have been feeling lethargic, often have a low grade headache, sore throat and a bit of queasiness.
I have not used any for the past week and will not until I feel better. If I don't feel better by next week I am going in to the doc. Hope it is unrelated.