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  1. #141 24th April 2016 
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    day three on nasal spray - first day did 4 sprays (100mcg). Second did 10 sprays (250mcg) - just to see if I could feel sides (silly I know). Third day, back to 4 sprays.

    No noticeable sides, but have had trouble sleeping, which is something I notice a lot with MT2.

    Feels like some is dripping out of my nose so I'm really not sure if I'm getting the peptide in my system.

    I hope it is working though, because being able to take mt2 without sides is a beautiful feeling
  2. #142 24th April 2016 
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    budabee I had some drainage especially when I tried more than eight sprays a nostril at a time. 4-6 sprays usually works just right, also don't be afraid to up your daily dosage as there were no sides for me at all even when I took almost 1mg a day.

    Coastal GeorgiaGuy
  3. #143 25th April 2016 
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    Thanks buddy I can't do more than one in each without drainage. I just do one in each and space them out every half hour or hour I also think this helps stop sides. Mad to think I did over a mg this weekend and haven't had any sides yet
  4. #144 26th April 2016 
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    Day 6 - did 8 sprays (roughly 200mcg in blood)

    Have to say this is fucking bizarre, getting no sides. No noticeable signs of the peptide working yet though. May be some negligible darkening of moles, but might just be me noticing them more.

    I'll stop posting so regularly now, and check back in ten days or so with updates.o
  5. #145 27th April 2016 
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    Hey bud keep up your posts! As far as dosage I would increase it like I said there were days I did 1mg with absolutely no sides, keep in mind it is 50% effective. Hope it goes well!
  6. #146 27th April 2016 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coastal GeorgiaGuy View Post
    Hey bud keep up your posts! As far as dosage I would increase it like I said there were days I did 1mg with absolutely no sides, keep in mind it is 50% effective. Hope it goes well!
    thanks buddy I have - I must have done 20 sprays last night. No sides
  7. #147 28th April 2016 
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    dramatically upped the dose - 15 to 20 sprays per day. No sides to report at all, again I think there is some mole darkening but can't be sure. The spray is feeling very light now, not sure how much is left
  8. #148 28th May 2016 
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    Most of it is most likely running down your throat into your stomach...= wasted.
  9. #149 29th May 2016 
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinl View Post
    Most of it is most likely running down your throat into your stomach...= wasted.
    no I spread the doses out until the nasal cavity was dry so there wasn't much loss. However, I still get sides with nasal spray so quit the experiment
  10. #150 23rd June 2016 
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    What's up guys. I just wanted to share the results of my experiment in this thread. I started on Saturday before last Saturday. It's now Thursday so I'm 13 days in and I still haven't seen any visible results as of yet. I say there's no results, there has been some slight darkening around my knee area. Not the kneecap itself but the skin around the kneecap. It's only very slight though. I must say that this does stand out more in the shower when the skin is wet. This knee darkening came about around day 5 though, but hasn't darkened since. My current dosage over the last 5 days has been 12 sprays a day which totals 0.276 mg in blood (276 mcg) per day administered in 3 x 4 sprays (4 morning, 4 afternoon, 4 before bed). Yesterday I did 16 sprays for the first time (4x4 sprays).

    So just to give you my calculations per spray:

    1 Spray = 0.046 mg (0.023 mg in blood after 50% loss)
    2 Sprays = 0.092 mg (0.046 mg in blood after 50% loss)
    4 Sprays = 0.184 mg (0.092 mg in blood after 50% loss)
    8 Sprays = 0.368 mg (0.184 mg in blood after 50% loss)
    10 Sprays = 0.460 mg (0.230 mg in blood after 50% loss)
    12 Sprays = 0.552 mg (0.276 mg in blood after 50% loss)
    16 Sprays = 0.736 mg (0.368 mg in blood after 50% loss)

    For my experiment I'm using the Neilmed Nasogel which gives you 200 sprays (30ml), but I mixed the MT2 with 2ml sterile water and added that to the spray, which gives you 32ml or 215 sprays total.

    Here's my daily consumption over the last week:

    Day 1 (Sat): 2 Sprays (0.046 mg in blood)
    Day 2 (Sun): 4 Sprays (0.092 mg in blood)
    Day 3 (Mon): 8 Sprays (0.184 mg in blood)
    Day 4 (Tue): 8 Sprays (0.184 mg in blood)
    Day 5 (Wed): 8 Sprays (0.184 mg in blood)
    Day 6 (Thu): 10 Sprays (0.230 mg in blood)
    Day 7 (Fri): 12 Sprays (0.276 mg in blood)
    Day 8 (Sat): 12 Sprays (0.276 mg in blood)
    Day 9 (Sun): 12 Sprays (0.276 mg in blood)
    Day 10 (Mon): 12 Sprays (0.276 mg in blood)
    Day 11 (Tue): 12 Sprays (0.276 mg in blood)
    Day 12 (Wed): 16 Sprays (0.368 mg in blood)
    Day 13 (Thu): 16 Sprays (0.368 mg in blood) - Today so only done 4 sprays up to now.

    I should also add that I haven't had any sunbed UV yet. I'm trying to avoid sunbeds for now (or permanently if possible). As it's summer, I'll probably get the bike out for an hour to try and get some natural UV this weekend. I'd rather wait until I'm I start seeing visible results with the MT2 alone before I start going harder with the UV. Many have said you don't need it at all, it just brings results faster. I'm okay with waiting anyway, I don't want an overnight tan which could be darker than I want it.

    I have a new batch of MT2 arriving today from a different supplier, which on the surface seems to be a lot more popular (how do you tell?). I'm going to give this a try, but this time I'll be using the Rhinaris Nasal Mist spray from Canada as this arrived since I started the Neilmed Nasogel. I think I'm going to put 20mg of MT2 in the spray this time and just do half as many sprays as I am getting some loss down the back of my throat with the Nasogel with 4 sprays. From my lack of results, I'm thinking that I could be losing up to half of the spray either down the back of my throat or down my nose shortly after spraying. The only reason I haven't gone down to 8x2 sprays with the Nasogel is due to the time factor, I'm really to busy to break away from my work and go back to the fridge every 2 hours (8 times throughout the day) to do 2 sprays at a time.

    The Rhinaris Nasal Mist is a thinner liquid than the Nasogel too so I think it makes sense to double the MT2 concentration when I start with the Nasal Mist and half the number of sprays. I just hope that it all passes through the nasal membrane and isn't wasted. The seller who I bought the MT2 off also sells sprays of only 5ml mixed with sterile water. They say that their clients do get results with these sprays (obviously) but do admit that they are only about 40% as effective as injection. They also added that my lack of results is likely due to the solution being so diluted. But this pretty much goes against everything what is said in this thread too about smaller doses being better for gradual absorption, accuracy, not overloading the nasal cavity and so on. You never know what to believe though from sellers.

    Based on my calculations I should have only used just over half of the spray at this point (started with 215 sprays and have used 120 up to this point), but from feeling the bottle I'd guess I've only got probably 20% left or less. Not sure what went wrong there but it seems like I've been administering more that my calculations above anyway. The sprayer must have been administering larger sprays than it says it does. Could be due to the 2ml sterile water making it thinner and more sprayable, but to be honest you'd think it would spray less, not more.

    Anyway, I'll update you further after I start with the Nasal Mist with 20mg MT2 in it.
  11. #151 27th June 2016 
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    So I just added 2 x 10mg vials of MT2 from my new supplier to a Rhinaris Nasal Mist this morning and took my first 2 sprays into the nasal cavity. About 20 minutes later I suddenly felt horny lol. I'm quite the horn doggy anyway, so it could just be my normal self, but it did come on quite quick and I wasn't really doing anything exciting. Just sat in the garden drinking my coffee

    I didn't experience any other typical sides like nausea or a spontaneous erection (well maybe a semi when I felt horny), though many don't experience sides anyway with the nasal method so that doesn't necessarily mean it's not working.

    So, so far, I think I might be seeing progress finally with this new stuff. I only did 2 sprays as well which is equal to 0.62 in blood, which is only really a small quantity in the grand scheme of things. I had this weekend off spraying I was out all weekend, so maybe my body has somewhat had it's reset button pushed. Who knows. I'm gonna have 6 more sprays today in 2 doses at a time to get to about 250mcg in blood. I'll probably stick to that for another few days at least before upping dosage.
    Last edited by MadeInEngland; 27th June 2016 at 01:05 PM.
  12. #152 1st July 2016 
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    Any updates?
  13. #153 8th August 2016 
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeInEngland View Post
    So I just added 2 x 10mg vials of MT2 from my new supplier to a Rhinaris Nasal Mist this morning and took my first 2 sprays into the nasal cavity. About 20 minutes later I suddenly felt horny lol. I'm quite the horn doggy anyway, so it could just be my normal self, but it did come on quite quick and I wasn't really doing anything exciting. Just sat in the garden drinking my coffee

    I didn't experience any other typical sides like nausea or a spontaneous erection (well maybe a semi when I felt horny), though many don't experience sides anyway with the nasal method so that doesn't necessarily mean it's not working.

    So, so far, I think I might be seeing progress finally with this new stuff. I only did 2 sprays as well which is equal to 0.62 in blood, which is only really a small quantity in the grand scheme of things. I had this weekend off spraying I was out all weekend, so maybe my body has somewhat had it's reset button pushed. Who knows. I'm gonna have 6 more sprays today in 2 doses at a time to get to about 250mcg in blood. I'll probably stick to that for another few days at least before upping dosage.
    Hey, any updates on this?

    I'm considering trying to nasal spray method but I don't think anyone has had any luck with the NeilMed spray yet compared to the Rhinaris Nasal Mist.

    Have you had good results? If so, where were you able to source the Rhinaris spray from to deliver to the UK?

  14. #154 9th August 2016 
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    Quote Originally Posted by nasalspray View Post
    Hey, any updates on this?

    I'm considering trying to nasal spray method but I don't think anyone has had any luck with the NeilMed spray yet compared to the Rhinaris Nasal Mist.

    Have you had good results? If so, where were you able to source the Rhinaris spray from to deliver to the UK?


    Don't bother with nasal spray mate. Just do the injections. It's much cheaper and a lot more effective. Although I think nasal spray worked to an extent, I've been doing slow and steady injections for about 2 weeks now and I'm finally seeing progress after some natural UV. I think in future, the only time I would try nasal spray again is if I needed to take some on holiday for topups and needles weren't an option. Additionally, I've found it much more convenient to use needles once a day in the evening that to mess around with 20 or so sprays a day spread out throughout the day. It's too much messing around for little results and 2-3 times the expense. The needles aren't a problem for me. You barely feel them. And no, I wasn't able to source Rhinaris in the UK. I had to import from Canada and they were almost as much as the MT2 including shipping. Waste of money. I'm glad I did the experiment so I can compare results, but having done the needles now too I can say I've had much faster results for a fraction of the cost.
  15. #155 10th August 2016 
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeInEngland View Post

    Don't bother with nasal spray mate. Just do the injections. It's much cheaper and a lot more effective. Although I think nasal spray worked to an extent, I've been doing slow and steady injections for about 2 weeks now and I'm finally seeing progress after some natural UV. I think in future, the only time I would try nasal spray again is if I needed to take some on holiday for topups and needles weren't an option. Additionally, I've found it much more convenient to use needles once a day in the evening that to mess around with 20 or so sprays a day spread out throughout the day. It's too much messing around for little results and 2-3 times the expense. The needles aren't a problem for me. You barely feel them. And no, I wasn't able to source Rhinaris in the UK. I had to import from Canada and they were almost as much as the MT2 including shipping. Waste of money. I'm glad I did the experiment so I can compare results, but having done the needles now too I can say I've had much faster results for a fraction of the cost.
    Cheers mate.

    I've used MT2 using injections for about 8 years now, just in the summer before a holiday. It works really well for me, but I have to be really shady with it as I haven't told the girlfriend about it....
    It would be easier to explain a nasal spray and not have to hide it...
  16. #156 10th August 2016 
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    I think im going to try the nasal spray a month after I return from holiday at the end of august. That way I dont have to risk it not working for my holiday, but ill be able to tell if it works or not. The expense doesn't really bother me as its only once a year in reality. If I can spend £70-£80 and get 40mg and it be as effective as 20mg (which is how much I usually need) then I can handle that once a year. Especially if I can actually take it away with me!
  17. #157 11th August 2016 
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    Quote Originally Posted by nasalspray View Post
    I think im going to try the nasal spray a month after I return from holiday at the end of august. That way I dont have to risk it not working for my holiday, but ill be able to tell if it works or not. The expense doesn't really bother me as its only once a year in reality. If I can spend £70-£80 and get 40mg and it be as effective as 20mg (which is how much I usually need) then I can handle that once a year. Especially if I can actually take it away with me!
    I hear what you're saying about hiding it from family. Do you live with your girlfriend? Can I ask how you've hidden it in the fridge for 8 years without it being found? Lol. I've found a secret compartment in our fridge, but I'm still paranoid about it being found or falling out some day lol.

    Regarding the nasal experiment, I found it cost me just as much in nasal sprays than the actual MT2 itself. The Rhinaris nasal mist ones I bought from Canada were about £15 including shipping (couldn't get them in the UK). Like you say, I wasn't that bothered about the cost if it worked, but I wasn't really getting any results from it either really, but that might be due to my lack of UV, who knows. I've done a couple of 2 hour natural sun sessions sitting in the garden and I'm finally starting to see some colour after a couple of weeks of injected 500mcg a day. I think I probably need 5 more 2 hour sessions to get to the colour I want but kind of panicking a little because we've only got a few more days of sun left. Next Tuesday looks good so I'll be sure to make the most of it. 28 degrees I think it said.

    So you're doing injections before the holiday right? I assume you're not taking it with you?
  18. #158 21st March 2017 
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    Quote Originally Posted by peptideguru View Post
    We went through a similar process 18/24 months ago as there was little info on how effective nasal administration was in comparison to subQ.

    We came to the conclusion that nasal administration was approx 50% as effective.

    The main problem for us though was a getting a nasal spray bottle that would accurately dispense a consistent amount. So the ones that we were using / and still use, make it a little more difficult to dose correctly.
    How are you getting with the spray?
  19. #159 23rd March 2017 
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    The only time i've used Nasal Spay MT2 was when i was overseas for periods longer than a month. Made it easier for all the moving around and airport security.

    I did however build up a tan before i started using it, and really just had the nasal spray for maintenance. While on it the tan stayed but my facial hair went back to normal colour. So i'd agree with the above statement of it be 50-60% as effective.

    It does have its perks thought!
  20. #160 6th April 2017 
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    just buy regular mt2 mix as usual then add to any nasal spray for dry noses that lists propylene glycol as an ingredient eg, rhinaris nasal mist etc