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  1. #161 3rd September 2015 
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    That's what I just did, but it takes two to three weeks to see results, so it should be better by then.
    As a kid I was nothing but ginger. No one talked about my talents, my passions, my future plans,...when they talked about me, it was: he's ginger. When someone wanted to know who I am, I was the ginger one. Never the one living around the corner with his brother, loving athletics. No I was ginger.
    There's a Belgian tennis player named Alison Van Uytvanck and I'm naturally exactly that type. Feel free to google.
  2. #162 8th September 2015 
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    Within the next five years, scientists have supposedly stated that they will have conjured up a supposed 'cure' which people can take in order to rid themselves of their ginger hair. Personally I cannot see this as being true as the colour of your hair is specified by your genes, however with MT2, i have found it does somewhat turn your hair a darker shade. But will there ever be a complete 'cure' for gingerness? I don't think so.
  3. #163 8th September 2015 
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    I do think so, as I experimtented it myself. There are no signs of gingerness less when being on M2. Where can you find evidence on "within the next five years"?
    M2 switches on a certain gene that doesn't work for ginger people.
  4. #164 8th September 2015 
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    I was born a Type 1 as far as i'm aware. Bright ginger, very pale, but didnt start getting freckles till i was about 7 or 8 years old. then i started getting them on my face and shoulders and all over arms + hands.
    Doesn't ginger hair darken with age? As I said i was born bright ginger but as i aged it got darker. Now at 21 it is pretty much a light brown. not everyone sees the gingerness.
    I used to think MT2 darked my hair at first. i think it did a little bit but most of the darkening has just been natural for the past 2 years i think. unless the Mt2 is staying in the system for the 8 month periods i dont take it which i know isnt true. Makes me wonder if MT2 effected me in such a way that it turned on a gene or something.
  5. #165 8th September 2015 
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    Mine remains flaming red at a later age. You need to have daily injections to maintain the darker growth. In my case it's worth it, due to the orange natural color I have.
  6. #166 23rd September 2015 
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    I've uppered the dose for four weeks now and normally you see hair darkening results after two to three weeks. My eyebrows are perfect now. Dark and not as fake looking as when I used eyebrow tinting. Those couple of 0,1 mg difference in dosage made a difference as at 1 mg my eyebrows were just a tad darker. My eyelashes are still lighter but already darker than at 1 mg, It sounds logical that adding a 0,1 mg would give them further darkening as right now, it's the only area being behind. My body hair is also getting darker. I could go to the swimming pool and people would think I'm dark haired by my body hair.

    A prostaglandin analog might be a solution, but I've used it before and the eye redness was a hassle. That's why I also started a topic on that. How to turn it into an eye friendly serum.
  7. #167 5th October 2015 
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    At 1,4 mg my eyebrows are perfectly dark, not fake, just beautiful, my lashes are just a dirty blonde, much darker than the yellow natural color I have but still "fake".
    I have no side effects at all.

    What I was wondering: would 2 doses of let's say 0,7 mg a day have a stronger effect than one 1,4 shot?
  8. #168 5th October 2015 
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    Hey Djen are you still using Melitane for you eyebrows ?
  9. #169 5th October 2015 
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    Yes of course, the combo works best.
  10. #170 6th October 2015 
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    Actually I do not like to change the color of my long black hair. Some of my friends always change the color of their hair they desire. They are always telling me to try it even once. But i really want it to be that way in black the natural color of my hair. We all had our own desires on how we can enhance our looks that is why I am just letting my friends to do what they want for their hair and I am just there to agree with them and respect them..
  11. #171 12th October 2015 
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    Why would you want to "cure" your gingerness? Own it. You are you, there is nobody else like you. No matter what you feel about how you look, know there are many people who came before you who had orange hair and freckles. Some of them were great man, leaders. Don't feel ashamed by your appearance.
  12. #172 13th October 2015 
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    I think after almost 30 years of seeing shrinks your words are very kind, but are not going to help me a tiny bit.
    If people are fine with it, great. If people get access to change it, great as well. It's like saying: why cure cancer, let nature decide. In my case it's a disease as well, something that can't be solved with very good therapy.
  13. #173 13th October 2015 
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    I think it's normal to want to change your appearance!

    Some people tan, some people lighten their skin. Some want dark hair, some want light, and some want crazy colors! There's all kinds of plastic surgery and procedures and exercises to transform your body. If changing your appearance makes you happy, that's what's really counts as far as I'm concerned!

    I think other people should stay out of it as far as what you "should" want. It's no one else's business. There is no "right" way to be or feel.

    People have told me to lighten and straighten my hair my whole life but I prefer it dark and curly. People basically have wanted me to look more "white" but I like my heritage. Yet I do choose to tan when others say not to. You have to make your own choices!
  14. #174 13th October 2015 
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    I have dark reddy brown hair and type 1 skin and live in a cold country. It's no big deal here, but I really feel for red heads who live in hot countries I can completely empathise with their need for tanning technologies like MT2 and Melitane. Thankfully it seems we are close to safer, topical solutions. Exciting times ahead
  15. #175 13th October 2015 
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    You're right, Ann. We can't feel bad and visit therapists for years and realize we're still unhappy.
  16. #176 14th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobertHelsinki View Post
    I have dark reddy brown hair and type 1 skin and live in a cold country. It's no big deal here, but I really feel for red heads who live in hot countries I can completely empathise with their need for tanning technologies like MT2 and Melitane. Thankfully it seems we are close to safer, topical solutions. Exciting times ahead
    This is what it's about for me too. It would be nice to enjoy outdoor activities without constantly thinking about getting sunburned and hiding in the shade.
  17. #177 26th October 2015 
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    It's been a while since I've looked up the forums, used to be an admin on melanotan forums but obviously this is the main place now.

    Just going to give my input that has worked for me. I natually have light ginger hair and like you came across MT2 and found the darkening to be a blessing, as I do not like it. I have now been on MT2 for 10 years now and haven't had any issues with it. I take 1mg Monday - Friday and have the weekends off. From the very start I was sensible and worked my doses up, so please don't jump straight in, but when I got to 1mg and found all was okay, I loaded up on this for 2 months without skipping a single day, then started my routine off. I've since always had a nice natural light tan and a good looking light brown hair, with the same for my beard as well. I can also go away on holiday for 2 weeks and not take any MT2 at all and tan perfectly safely and also keep up the dark beard and hair. No one notices as I don't use sunbeds, so when I do go away and come back nice and brown, it's just like a natural thing to them. It's a bit of trial and error, but just try and find what works for you. But just to put you at ease, I am now 35 and as already said been on it for 10 years and perfectly healthy.
  18. #178 26th October 2015 
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    Great to see other people using "higher" dosages and be in a great health.
  19. #179 1st November 2015 
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    has anyone tried using natural methods to darken hair such as coffee or powders?
  20. #180 1st November 2015 
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    the best results they could possibly give is that you turn into a darker haired person but once it starts raining ( or when you take a shower) it washes out.