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  1. #1 6th March 2013 
    wepo1's Avatar
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    Melanotan for type 2-3 skin with acne scars??

    Hello all,

    First off thanks for the hefty contributions, I have learned a lot from other members.

    I was wondering if I could get some feed back on my plans with m2.

    I am a type 2-3 skin tone. I am pale when I do not tan but I can tan after getting a slight burn.

    I have a lot of small freckles everywhere, dark hair, and dark eyes. Caucasian

    I also have some acne scarring and hyperpigmentation.*

    I am hoping tanning will help blend the skin and camflouge some of the acne scarring.

    I plan on doing .25mg for 3 weeks, then .begin tanning twice a week. I will then use .5mg every 3 days and eventually use .5ng once a week.

    This seems to be what works for those with medium/fair complextions.

    Any feedback on this
  2. #2 6th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan II for skin with acne scars?

    Hello all,
    First off thanks for the hefty contributions, I have learned a lot from other members.
    I was wondering if I could get some feed back on my plans with m2.
    I am a type 2-3 skin tone. I am pale when I do not tan but I can tan after getting a slight burn.
    I have a lot of small freckles everywhere, dark hair, and dark eyes. Caucasian
    I also have some acne scarring and hyperpigmentation.*
    I am hoping tanning will help blend the skin and camflouge some of the acne scarring.
    I plan on doing .25mg for 3 weeks, then .begin tanning twice a week. I will then use .5mg every 3 days and eventually use .5ng once a week.
    This seems to be what works for those with medium/fair complextions.

    Any feedback on this
    Welcome wepo1, thrilled to offer perspective on Melanotan Peptides
    What I have observed is experimenting with MT-2 requires a particular skin type. Depending on age, environment (UVR or sunless tanning strategy) and feelings on freckles being beauty marks...I am inclined to present the idea of MT-1 (had any melanocortin agonist be utilized at all). How long have you had concern about acne scarring & what is hyper-pigmentation (being super-pale naturally/personally the statements are interesting...seems there are many interpretations on the term....)
    Melanotan II dosage should be extremely low when used in advanced skin types with natural tanning ability. Dosing to desensitize (100mcg for days), then dosing carefully before brief exposure could be a winning ticket. Beware that the best of us learn the tough way, we mis-measure (over-dose), rapidly tan and freak out upon sight of fresh/evolving pigmentation (particularly beauty marks or freckles...moles are another monster, generally best advice is for those w/ moles to avoid synthetic tanning stimulants.

    I plan on doing .25mg for 3 weeks, then .begin tanning twice a week. I will then use .5mg every 3 days and eventually use .5ng once a week.
    This seems to be what works for those with medium/fair complexions.
    Any feedback on this
    Hopeful others will chime in, however my take on the protocol is aggressive/risky (without further info of course, you know best!)
    My best advice in this instance would be to do 100-200mcg injections for weeks, being as wasteful as possible, and listening to the body...a little goes a long way - Mt2 peptide product is water-based and generally offers the melanin-creating window of opportunity for specific time-frame after injection/trauma...combining natural ability to tan + (most potent) aMSH + scars (which should be protected) & with freckles in abundance => wildcard scenario (imho).
    Mt-1 is a weaker, shorter acting product which may offer subtle (& safer) alternative to the cheap melanotan 2, ramble/rant/food for thought off - hope it helps, follow back w/ ?s please* 8)
  3. #3 11th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan for type 2-3 skin with acne scars??

    Very insightful and useful information.

    I have decided to use .150 mcg every 2nd day for a few weeks before I begin tanning.

    Since you are right about my scenario being very specific it is definitley a expirmental protocol that I rather do cautiously and recieve little result then over do it and have a wierd reaction.

    I will keep you posted! Thanks so much!
  4. #4 17th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan for type 2-3 skin with acne scars??

    Im one week in.

    My results are as follows]
    I mixed 10mg of product with 2 ml of bactro water.

    I have been doing 100-250mcg every day. I am not tanning yet

    I have noticed A LOT more freckles I never knew existed on my face, about 10 on each side. They are dark...

    This is very discouraging as I do not like the appearance of these freckles, they came up randomly.

    IS it best to discontinue ?
  5. #5 18th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan for type 2-3 skin with acne scars??

    the freckling is normal (read posts), have you been sunning ? MT2 is not a sunless tan there needs to be some uv to get it to tan.
  6. #6 19th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan for type 2-3 skin with acne scars??

    I have not tanned at all yet and have been wearing sunscreen , thats why I am beginning to become concerned.

    If you read the backround info on my skin in the first post, I have type 2-3 skin that can tan but I have dark freckles everywhere.

    Is it still normal to have freckles with no sun at all?
  7. #7 19th March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan for type 2-3 skin with acne scars??

    from what i've read* yes as most of us have some patches of skin that are almost freckels already* and the MT2 just brings them out , once you start to tan they will blend in .
    jim c
  8. #8 21st March 2013 
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    Re: Melanotan for type 2-3 skin with acne scars??

    from what i've read* yes as most of us have some patches of skin that are almost freckels already* and the MT2 just brings them out , once you start to tan they will blend in .
    jim c


    furthermore, once upon a time when my skin type 1 was introduced to melanotan => must have had a couple dozen freckles rise to surface - Years of use/therapy later, possibly there are a half dozen of darker freckles on my body (same goes for the better half/wife) - Expect the extreme results to settle & subside, resume w/ care (& possibly accept a quarter of your pigment to remain/evolve dark)
    Good luck wepo1, keep the forum posted - want your story to be a success after-all!