Hey! One of the main reasons why I am interested in using Melanotan 2 is the darkening of facial hair.* How common does this occur and is it dosage dependent?
Also, if you have any before/after pictures of your facial hair I would like to see them ]
Thank you!
Hey ender811, excellent mt-2 topic and question, thank you. Before and after melanotan photos can be difficult to find. Highlighting results by darkening of facial hair would be very helpful indeed. Darkening is a common indicator during peptide journals, for sure my own usage* 8)
When on melanotan 2, often at/around 3 weeks facial hair is visibly darker. If dark facial hair is priority, sunless tanning results can be reality with melanotan ii 10mg. Quick results and hair darkening (red/blond hair turns black) can occur with high amounts with higher intensity/exposure...however rapid tanning w/ oily skin & erections follow aforementioned protocol. Best use is low dosage mt-2, ie.]
Listen to the body, side-effects of melanotan peptide are minimized by taking advantage of the body's fast acclimation to the melanocyte stimulating hormone potent analog (mt-2). Melanotan 1 last's a good 30 minutes...peak bio-availability, whereas cyclic Melanotan 2 has a life of an hour, give or take some.... Melanotan over-dosage can have effect for 72 hours, dose low and gauge sensitivity each time administering a new experience.