From the abstract, it appears to be using a solution of ethanol/phosphate buffer at 40/60 v/v. I believe one of the main issues discussed here, and at LEF (where the above topical was formulated) was that using almost any amount of ethanol dried out the skin and rules out sensitive applications, like near the eyes.
However, they're claiming a 72.1% penetration rate, which is pretty good.
Been using the formula with ethanol ( but oils and water added) and I must say there's no irritation when adding those softening agents. Of course it's too soon to tell about any results.
Yes, I'm still using it though it's messy. I must say that some hairs grow out darker, I even epilated them and the root is dark ( and I haven't been on M2 simultaneously). Let's say it's less than 5 percent of all hairs in that particular spot. But it seems to be increasing. I did add many more olive oil than first described and that's less irritating.
My forskolin arrived in May but expires this month. I contacted the company immediately and asked them why they sent me stuff that is about to expire. They promised me to send me new powder, but after two months and many unanswered emails, I still haven't received anything.
HI guys my first post . I just wonder if you had any estimate on how long it would be before there an available effective forskolin formula either homemade or produced ,that can be used for tanning ? Also slightly off topic , I wonder how would + sun work for tanning as apposed to just Melitane which is by all accounts not great .
Last question to Djen , ive followed your posts and find them really good . You say you had " some results on Melitane....did you tan and to what level
So far the melitane works best for me in adding something extra to what melanotan gives me.
I had ordered forskolin from a company that sent me products that were about to expire. I sent them an email and they promised me to send me new stuff, never received anything and they've been ignoring all other communication.
Hey Djen thanks for the reply ! I just wonder where did you order you Militane and secondly was it exspensive ? Also do you hold out hopes for Forskolkin given the pentration issues ?
Yes I'm always looking out for new forskolin techniques, we'd just need a scientist showing us the right one. I bought my melitane from winkey, you can google it; Costs around 150 dollars a year.
I'm sure it works, there's just a whole lot to do on how to mix it, a good scientist here could figure it out.
Never order from smartpowders, they sent me expired product, I got back to them and then they promised me to send me new stuff, but it never arrived. They haven't replied the next emails I've sent them.
Thats cool Djen thanks , I suppose im clutching at straws but do you think when the absortion issue is sorted, that its results would be comparible to M2 , clutching at staws I know lol
Oh and by the way Djen what makes you so sure it works , dont quote me but I think I saw some study from 2006
where they detected it the blood having been, delivered through the skin but noticed no tanning effect...god I hope im wrong on that one !
That 2006 study changed the coat and hair color of mice significantly. It's been confirmed in a few studies afterwards.
John D'Orazio is involved in those studies. It might be a good idea to email him, he always replies to emails: