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  1. #41 26th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    Hi guys and gals, I use melanotan-free-tan. It's a nasal spray and I get the same results as I did with melanotan2 - a nice golden tan, not too dark for my skin type. I've never tried L-Tyrosine but might do some research on it.



    I wonder what the active ingredient is in melanotan-free-tan. There are not many things, other than melanotan, that will induce melanogenesis, at least via intranasal delivery. Thus, the most likely active ingredient is some form of the melanotan peptide, I or II. Do you get any side effects?
  2. #42 26th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    JROD, you're right, they are selling melanotan nasal spray...they found a way to temporarily advertise through Google (many ads shown here to guests, fyi).
  3. #43 26th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    For me the nasal spray method didn't work at all. I once used over 20 mg of nasal spray and took the hair darkening I got from the injections as an indicator, but it didn't do anything at all. Even if it would only be 20 percent as effective, then it still hasn't worked as on 2 mg a week my head hair darkens 2-3 weeks later with the injectables.
    Could as well be placebo. Some people think they're more protected using the nasal spray, go sunbathing a lot more and see a tan.
    @JROD: nice to see you here again. Any updates on the forskolin?
  4. #44 27th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    Total amount is between 70 and 80mg. Nasal around 30and 40. i'm absolutely sure, the nasal spray works for me. Wasn't able to get a tan last 30years. Now i'm really brown and much less sensitive to the sun. Facehair became darker. Reaction of my friends around says the same. They wonder how i'm able to tan, because they know, i always became reddish. Can't be plazebo for me.
    Ceers, b.
  5. #45 27th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    I also used a total of 80 mg ( so 20 + a week) with no results for me. It's also very expensive compared to the injectables.
  6. #46 27th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    JROD, you're right, they are selling melanotan nasal spray...they found a way to temporarily advertise through Google (many ads shown here to guests, fyi).

    Interesting, the name is kind of misleading. False advertisement?
  7. #47 28th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    I'm sorry to read, djen. How did you mixed the nasal-spray? Sometimes i took between 30and40 singlesprays per day; depending how much uv-exposure i had. And never burned again.
    Yes, its more expensive than injecting but i don't want to inject and with the nasal-spray, i never felt any sides. For me its an absolutely new feeling going to holiday and can enjoy the outside activities without care about sunburn and spending the time in the shadow. The skin feels much better and i don't have problems with allergical reactions to the sun and hurting skin.* Happy that i started with mt-2
    Regards from the maldives, b.
  8. #48 28th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    Hey Bobby,

    I mixed it like a normal batch but if injecting is not an option for you, look out for ( probably cheaper) alternatives like melitane. Someone is testing the forskolin route. Those substances have proven to increase melanin, it's just about bringing them to the skin-hair in a proper way.
  9. #49 28th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    Reaction of my friends around says the same. They wonder how i'm able to tan, because they know, i always became reddish.

    ;D ;D ;D
  10. #50 30th June 2014 
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    Re: Pale guy wants to start

    Thx djen, i'm going to read about it.
    Maybe a stupid question: would it be possible, mixing the mt-2 with sea water for a nasal-spray? It contains around 3.4% salt here. My original fluid has 2.3%.
  11. #51 16th September 2015 
    gary_stevens's Avatar
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    Hello, how did your plan work? Well, I am also an MT-2 user and I must say that this really brings a nice tan. As of now, I have paused using MT-2 for a reason, but I still managed to maintain my nice tan just by sunbed and being exposed to the sun. I love how MT-2 helped me achieve a nice tan!
  12. #52 19th September 2015 
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    Good luck! I was also once so pale and I never liked it. Fortunately, I found about MT-2! Now, as you can see on my default pic, I already have a nice tan. I could never be happier than this. I can't imagine how my life would be if I never find MT-2 and tanning bed. Lol. Right now, I am very dependent on it as I am very eager to keep my tan.
  13. #53 19th September 2015 
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    MT-2 will give you the results your looking for and as you can see by the amount of threads on this forum, it's perfectly safe and you have nothing to worry about when it comes to using it.
  14. #54 19th September 2015 
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    ''TantraDerm is a specially formulated transdermal cream designed to deliver MTII through the dermis. TantraDerm does not contain the active ingredient MTII. The product must be mixed and used immediately as it is not shelf stable after mixing. For your research purposes you will need to also purchase MTII and incorporate it into TantraDerm. Instructions are included on how to properly use TantraDerm for your research.''
  15. #55 20th September 2015 
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    Good decision that you decide to go with MT-2 as it is the most effective tanning product ever. Some of my friends tried MT-1, but they said that though it is quite good, it is not as excellent as the MT-2.

    From what I have heard, it i okay to take tyrosine with MT-2 and it can boost the MT-2's effect. However, I am not really sure with that as I have not tried it myself. Sorry.

    Yes, you can maintain your tan with sunbed only. Nonetheless, do not expect that there will be no change at all. The tan will get lighter, but you won't return back to your "pale" color.
  16. #56 5th October 2015 
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    This was my second season with MT-2 nasal spray method. And i can say: it worked again perfect for me. Still without sides and I never burnt the whole summertime.
    I was off for around 6 months. Hands and feets lost the tan after a few weeks and were the part of my body, which became fastest back to more or less earlier colour. The tanlines on my legs, arms, stomach and back never went totally away and my face was never white/reddish as it was, before my first MT-2 session.
    This season, I was on a really low dosage, depending, how much uv exposure I had. Days without sun, i did around 4 single sprays, other days with a lot uv exposure, I enhanced to 15-20 single sprays. And this worked great for me. Moles from the last year became darker again after they faded, but again, a few new moles grew up. It doesn`t matter for me now, but if this happens every year, I think, I`m not going to like this...hmmmm...

    Another little issue i see are white spots. I think its the same, as in the current thread:


    Last year, there were 2 or 3 of these spots on my arms and I thought, its scars (?). But now, there are a few more of them. Hope, they will fade and are able to tan next season. But I don`t think so...

    I ask myself, what happens in the following situation: If you live in a tropical area with a lot of uv exposure, most of the day the whole year and you stop the melanotan after you are tanned. Will the tan fade and the skin goes back to sunburn-sensitivity? or would the existing tan be able to protect the skin and would not fade?

    Any ideas?

    Best, Bobby
  17. #57 6th October 2015 
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby View Post
    I ask myself, what happens in the following situation: If you live in a tropical area with a lot of uv exposure, most of the day the whole year and you stop the melanotan after you are tanned. Will the tan fade and the skin goes back to sunburn-sensitivity? or would the existing tan be able to protect the skin and would not fade?
    This isn't from first hand experience but I read a post from a guy on this forum who was skin type 1 (just can't tan naturally). This is what I remember. He got tan on Melanotan and went on a 6 week sunny holiday. He couldn't bring melanotan with him.

    He said the first week out in the sun he was still getting more tan. At week 4 he was still holding on. But he said by week 6 his beautiful tan was starting to burn again. So even though he had a great tan, it seemed like once the melanotan was out of his system he couldn't keep it even when spending all day in the sun.
  18. #58 14th January 2016 
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    I am so excited with your mt-2 experiment! For sure, you will also get great results from it just like what I achieved with the use of it. I am excited to hear the story of how you succeed in achieving the perfect tan.
  19. #59 15th January 2016 
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    I really find it amusing to read posts of new or first time users. it is because I always want to know what do they expect from the product and what are their impressions of it.
  20. #60 16th January 2016 
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    Did you push through your nasal-spray experiment? How did it go? I hope you can share your experience in another thread (where it would be easier for the users to check it)