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  1. #21 2nd June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Thank you! Haven't injected today as I'm waiting for my next order to arrive, I think it's probably quite healthy to have the odd day off as well.

    Had a couple of holiday comments today, as my face and neck have already started going dark and I have a ridiculous t shirt tan line haha

    I am probably the same but haven't noticed it as I am always tired and feel groggy lol....well hopefully it will pass as your body adjusts to the dosage and at least it is not impeding on your work etc.
    Great log keep it up ]"
  2. #22 3rd June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Whoohoo tan lines* 8)
    Hopefully you won't be waiting too long on your supply keep us updated on your progess
  3. #23 5th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Still waiting on my delivery
  4. #24 7th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    I'm back, delivery came this morning. I just did 0.5mg of the new supply will do another 1mg before bed.

    Gonna have 2 weeks of extreme sun in London so glad I got some MT
  5. #25 9th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal


    Sunday 8th - 2mg
    Monday 9th - 2mg

    Total =15.5mg

    Hard to tell what's from the MT1 and what is residual tan from my last MT2 experiment. Weather is nice but I'm cautious about spending too much time in the sun atm as a lot of people have said it takes 30mg> before MT1 really gets going.

    Am going to carry on with 2mg a day until early next week when I've reached 30mg and then start tanning more..

  6. #26 9th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Luck you getting the sun 8)

    Glad you got your new stock keep us posted on your tanning progress at the 30mg point.

  7. #27 10th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    working from home today and the weather was nice,

    injected 2.5mg and sat out in the sun.

    Have noticed no new color it's definitely a very different peptide to MT2, really hoping I start seeing some sign of encouragement soon
  8. #28 11th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    20mg in nothing good happening yet.

    Got a sunburn yesterday on chest and belly, but it's almost cleared overnight. Very very faint tan line but could be residual burn lol

    If I don't see any joy after 30 I think I will give up
  9. #29 12th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal


    sun burn gone. Noticeable tan left behind, I seem to struggle to get a tan on my chest but my belly is a light golden color. Out with friends I hadn't seen in a while and they all thought I looked a lot darker, so maybe I am getting more results than I realize. Either way gonna take a couple of days off the peptide before I do another ten mg next week, I feel like I need to recharge sometimes!

    Will get pics when I can find a decent camera
  10. #30 13th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Haven't injected since Tuesday, not going to until tomorow as I have a big meeting tomorow morning and don't want the nausea/ fatigue getting in the way so I'll probably start my last 10mg vial tomorow
  11. #31 13th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Looking forward to seeing pictures Sam. Be patient with it MT1 takes a lot more time and amounts than MT2. Hopefully you will see some significant results soon
  12. #32 13th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Looking forward to seeing pictures Sam. Be patient with it MT1 takes a lot more time and amounts than MT2. Hopefully you will see some significant results soon

    Thanks mate to be fair I'm actually really happy with mt1. Since the burn I've developed a light tan and my face and arms are already 2 or 3 shades darker. I'm not after getting really dark so I think after the next ten mg and three or four more hot days I'll taper down the doses. It seems with peps there is almost a sudden kick in point where suddenly results start coming fast
  13. #33 14th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Totally agree with you about the kick in point. It seems to be very slow and gradual the first few weeks / months but once you hit a certain point the tan seems to come in rapidly.

    I am very dark from my holidays now plan on staying off it for the next few weeks for the tan to fade a bit as it looks a bit much for the climate I am living in.

    May also go with MT1 next year depending on wether I find an alternative for darkening my facial hair
  14. #34 14th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Totally agree with you about the kick in point. It seems to be very slow and gradual the first few weeks / months but once you hit a certain point the tan seems to come in rapidly.

    I am very dark from my holidays now plan on staying off it for the next few weeks for the tan to fade a bit as it looks a bit much for the climate I am living in.

    May also go with MT1 next year depending on wether I find an alternative for darkening my facial hair

    Haha nice good to know your getting good results four years in ]
    Mt1 has already darkened my facial hair btw, any dose higher than 1mg and it comes out dark brown
  15. #35 20th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Sounds great Londonboy! Glad you stuck it out and the results came in just as you were about to give up it is a slower process than the MT2 but it is worth it in the end as no sides and I feel it gives a more natural tan* 8)

    Enjoy your Summer look forward to seeing pics
  16. #36 20th June 2014 
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    Re: Melanotan 1 Journal

    Thanks tan a I haven't actually injected for a week though now. I have a decent color and I'm not after going very dark. Also the sides were bad for me even on mt1. May do no mother ten mg or so in July depending on how the colour lasts