I've had regular bloodchecks when taking 1 mg daily for a year and apart from the initial side effects I had no probs and my bloodwork was excellent, it might mean that I tolerate it well but other people can be more allergic to it.
I've had regular bloodchecks when taking 1 mg daily for a year and apart from the initial side effects I had no probs and my bloodwork was excellent, it might mean that I tolerate it well but other people can be more allergic to it.
This can be dangerous as well. Tollerance is not the end of story. Just suppose smoking as an example.
With MT2 it is the same. In hypothethic case one can be fine for 10-20 years in the same way a young smoker is (18 year old Vs 60 year old).
Also standard bloodtest will not reveal everything - IMO they just seek for some very basic stuff to safe money - they won´t reveal HIV positive person unless they are told to do HIV specific blood test.
I think this is exactly what scares people here - slow sneaky unnoticable damage over years and there is a reason for that. Uncertainity is unpleasant. Everyone knows that his liver will be damaged if he drinks bottle of whisky per day but people are able to assess the impact and manage the risk. Nobody knows something similar with MT2. However fair skin person in Australia can measure the tradeoff - skin cancer Vs protection/better look and potentially unknown issue?
All MT2 users are still pioneers in this field in the same way smokers were several decades ago (massive public smoking)* 8)
Let god be with us* ;D
Dont ever take this stuff lightly. Im convinced that it has systemic implications, and never ever overdo it.
What implications? If it could "wake up" the natural skin tanning ability so one would need only one cycle then it would be nice systemic implication.
What is already over dosage?
Last time I took MT2 twice a day and both dosages were not small 2 x 1+ mg. I was still fine, only eating was a bit problematic.
The strange thing with this drug is that it does not work really gradually. You can take it and see nothing, nothing, nothing, ..., and suddenly after another day you are tanned. This can be very subjective, case by case but as per my experience it does not have linear progress and perhaps this makes (impatient) people to increase dosage which might not be optimal. Another thing are sunbeds - they are IMO harmful and I never use them (just regular sun bed session is equal to smoking already so you can add unknown MT2 factor to your health risks* 8) )