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  1. #21 18th June 2014 
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    Re: Concerning Symptoms and Request for Insight from Others

    Thank you, couldn't agree more.

    I dislike even MT1 tbf as the nausea and fatigue are annoying, I really hope the research on forskolin is continued and we can get a topical sunless tanning solution in the market soon!


    You are obviously someone with some experience as am I. I use to be a long time user of the .org boards and remember Endy a user who was very knowledgeable and insightful. I wish he was on this board. My only response to Djen's comment would be that Naiveté and lack of critical thinking skills can be dangerous. Anyway, based on my experiences, I think it would be more prudent, and safer, to use MTI, especially when you consider the primary target receptors for MTI versus MTII.

    Londonboy, Its funny that you mention Forskolin, I am currently working on developing a topical forskolin for testing purposes, based on the research by Dr. D'Orazio. I am actually currently working on a thesis related to this subject, which will hopefully be publishable. We shall see. The current existing literature is quite exciting.*
  2. #22 18th June 2014 
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    Re: Concerning Symptoms and Request for Insight from Others

    Hey JROD,

    in the past I've randomly experimented with forskolin. Just bought 20 percent powder ( the brand was smart powder and the color was dark brown). Mixed it with stuff like ethanol and applied it to a small patch.
    There's also an eyelash serum on the market named lipocils claiming to darken eyelashes. I contacted the company to ask them how much of the product they have used but they didn't wanna reveal anything. I suppose it wasn't sufficient as it's just one of those many, many ingredients. It didn't do anything for me but it's certainly dose depending, so I'd be glad to hear more about your research. You're a great help.
  3. #23 18th June 2014 
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    Re: Concerning Symptoms and Request for Insight from Others

    I would like to try Forskolin for tanning. What do I need to do?
    Does it work on hair?
  4. #24 18th June 2014 
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    Re: Concerning Symptoms and Request for Insight from Others

    Hey JROD,

    in the past I've randomly experimented with forskolin. Just bought 20 percent powder ( the brand was smart powder and the color was dark brown). Mixed it with stuff like ethanol and applied it to a small patch.
    There's also an eyelash serum on the market named lipocils claiming to darken eyelashes. I contacted the company to ask them how much of the product they have used but they didn't wanna reveal anything. I suppose it wasn't sufficient as it's just one of those many, many ingredients. It didn't do anything for me but it's certainly dose depending, so I'd be glad to hear more about your research. You're a great help.


    I would be interested in hearing more about your experience. Based on what you said, the main reason you did not see results is most likely because you had a very low potency and low grade product, with minuscule amounts of Forskolin and a lot of worthless fillers. What form did your forskolin come in, such as powder, extract, or capsules? Smart powder is mainly focused on marketing products for a profit, and the products are often substandard and unregulated. Any low costing forskolin product from a conventional retailer will likely be ineffective as a topical. I have been in contact with some well known researchers who have extensive experience with forskolin. One researcher told me that one of the major barriers to continued research with forskolin is the cost. Pure and authentic forskolin is very costly, which can cost thousands. The kind needed for an effective topical can only be obtained from a reputable lab, not from a conventional retailer, as the researchers obtained their supplies from reputable labs, obviously because of the potency needed for the desired effect.
  5. #25 19th June 2014 
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    Re: Concerning Symptoms and Request for Insight from Others

    Hey JROD,

    this is the stuff I've been using]
    I told my dermatologist about it, he said it was very fascinating, and afterwards said]In the end I had them analyzed and it was nothing more than the powder mixed with a random cheap skin cream. It looked very brown.

    I think the theory of the eyelash serum is interesting though they just won't use sufficient amounts as they don't want to reveal anything and it's just one of those many many ingredients in it, but I'd love to hear more about the research. It really fascinates me and could mostly likely help many of us.
  6. #26 5th July 2014 
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    Re: Concerning Symptoms and Request for Insight from Others

    JROD, please keep us posted on the development of the forskolin you are working on. This sounds interesting and it would be nice if there was an alternative to MT I and II.

    I seem to use much less than others but I definitely have noticed side effects. Nothing alarming but it is always a concern when putting a foreign substance in your body.
  7. #27 5th July 2014 
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    Re: Concerning Symptoms and Request for Insight from Others

    JROD, please keep us posted on the development of the forskolin you are working on. This sounds interesting and it would be nice if there was an alternative to MT I and II.

    I seem to use much less than others but I definitely have noticed side effects. Nothing alarming but it is always a concern when putting a foreign substance in your body.

    Of Course! Im still waiting on a few supplies but should be ready soon. One barrier that I foresee in the near future is the cost. Authentic and pure forskolin needed for an effective topical is difficult to obtain and expensive. You cannot get the right potency from a regular retailer. It has to come from a highly reputable lab. This is the same barrier that past researchers have run into.
  8. #28 5th July 2014 
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    Re: Concerning Symptoms and Request for Insight from Others

    Thanks for getting back to us, JROD. I remember there was once a study published in 2009 claiming you can purify the 20 percent version yourself. Tried to find it but don't know if it's still online.
    The researcher told me they're also adding other cAMP ingredients to turn pheomelanin into eumelanin.

    Just a link I found, don't know if it's useful for you: http://www.jbc.org/content/284/28/18699.full.html#ref-list-1