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Thread: Rad-140

  1. #1 27th July 2017 
    Desperado's Avatar
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    Recently, one of my friends started to use RAD140 and so far he has noticed great muscle gains from it, so I'm willing to give it a try.
    I'm thinking, should I use it alone or stack it with something else as well, I don't really want to use any steroids because of the side effects. I am currently using MK-677 together with CJC1295 DAC for almost a month and have noticed a pretty good effects on my mood, my sleep, I feel more motivated, workouts are better and muscles look fuller. My goals are to gain muscle and lose a bit of fat.
  2. #2 27th July 2017 
    gstpierre11's Avatar
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    I have used RAD-140 solo for 14 weeks and got nice, steady gains from this cycle but nothing too crazy. To be fair, I wasn't expecting so good results. The appetite while using it was insane, using RAD-140 all I wanted to do is eat, train and f*ck. The pumps on this stuff were crazy, I was feeling pumped all the time, even while not training and sometimes had to stop the workout because the pain from pumps was unbearable. I was running 20mg/day.

    I definitely look forward to run this SARM again but this time I will stack it with other things. I suggest you try it out solo first and add something on your future cycle if you wish.
  3. #3 27th July 2017 
    bodybuilder's Avatar
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    My personal experience with RAD-140 has been great.
    The effects I noticed from a 10-week cycle was strength gains, improved stamina, muscle fullness and hardness, incredible pumps, increased vascularity and sense of well-being.

    While using RAD-140 I was making constant strength gains every workout, RAD-140 helped me to recover quicker because I was training 5 sometimes even 6 days a week. I was quite shocked that I could train so frequently and still make gains. I received a lot of comments on my physique while using RAD-140.
    I was eating slightly over maintenance but noticed some fat loss and a good amount of muscle gains. I didn't lose any gains after my cycle but that's probably because I did a proper PCT. I think that RAD-140 is a great compound and you will definitely have good results from it.

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