I would like to share my experience with MT2. I can say that this thing definitely works!!!
The first time I read about Melanotan 2 was on this forum after I was looking for information about growth hormone secretagogue peptides. I read only good things about MT2 - it makes you all tanned, boosts your libido etc so I decided to try it out.
I bought 2 vials of 10mg MT2 and started using it. I read on this forum that it's recommended to start with a low dose of 250mcg so I did my first injection. After the first dose I got pretty sick and my face became all red. I injected the same amount the next day but felt allright, no sickness and apparently smaller facial flushing as well.
I started tanning after about 4 days (4 doses) in sunbed without any sun screens. I also increased the dose to 500mcg.
Then I started tanning outdoors in the beach for several hours a day (with a lot of swimming so it's not like I spent hours in the sun). Still didn't use any sun screen and I can say that at the moment I am the most tanned I've ever been in my entire life and it's impossible for me to burn. I think I can spend all day in the sun without burning.
I have stopped using it every day and switched to maintenance dose. Another thing I have noticed - I don't see any tan lines, seems like it tans every thing even though I am tanning in swimming shorts.
The only side effect I don't really like is new mole appearance and darkening of the freckles to the degree that they look like moles. Do they go back to normal after I stop using MT2?